Greasy Fork is available in English.
adds feature in libreddit/redlib to save/unsave posts, which is saved in localStorage as post ids (won't work over incognito sessions)
Script for Tampermonkey which mimics save/unsave feature on most libreddit/redlib public instances. It saves your saved posts as ids in localStorage.
First get the URL of the libreddit/redlib instance you use. Then replace the existing URL ( in two places:
at line 7 - make sure it ends with an asterisk (*) and is similar to the existing URL
at line 25 - make sure it ends with a forward slash (/) and is similar to the existing URL
The script works properly even without replacing, but then you'll have to use
To save a post click on the button at the bottom of the post you want to save, and to unsave you can click the button again. Make sure to reload the page after making changes. If you have one or more saved posts, the posts can be shown by clicking the Feeds menu at the top-left corner, then click the Saved button. The saved posts are shown by changing the code of the home page (does not create a new page), hence you can only see your saved posts on the home page itself.
One major problem is slow loading of saved posts (after clicking on the saved button). This is because the posts load one by one due to asynchronous nature of the function which loads these posts. I have done this to 1) sort posts chronologically (recently saved posts appear at the top), and 2) save me some trouble solving issues I could not resolve in the code. This could be fixed in the future.
Some features not yet implemented (sorted by priority): faster loading of saved posts, show saved post previews instead of full posts, minor code refactoring, pagination
Some of these may not be implemented ever.
Please read the warning at the start of the script (the lines with several exclamation marks).
For any further queries contact yokelman on Discord.