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adds feature in libreddit/redlib to save/unsave posts, which is saved in localStorage as post ids (won't work over incognito sessions)

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// ==UserScript==// @name         redsave// @namespace @version      1// @description  adds feature in libreddit/redlib to save/unsave posts, which is saved in localStorage as post ids (won't work over incognito sessions)// @author       @yokelman// @match*// @icon @grant        none// @license      GNU AGPL-3.0// ==/UserScript==(function() {// !!!!!! THE SCRIPT CAN ACT WEIRDLY IF USING MULTIPLE TABS TO BROWSE THE SITE SINCE AFAIK LOCALSTORAGE ISN'T SYNCHRONIZED IN REAL TIME TO WORK ACROSS MULTIPLE TABS// !!!!!! EXAMPLE: IF YOU SAVE POST A AND B ON THE MAIN PAGE, THEN OPEN POST A ON A NEW TAB, THEN UNSAVE POST B ON THE MAIN PAGE TAB AND THEN UNSAVE POST A THROUGH THE NEWLY OPENED TAB (WHICH ONLY CONTAINS A)...// !!!!!! POST B (WHICH SHOULD HAVE BEEN UNSAVED THROUGH MAIN PAGE TAB) WILL STILL BE IN LOCALSTORAGE// !!!!!! MORAL: DON'T GO SAVING/UNSAVING ON MULTIPLE PAGES AS FAR AS POSSIBLE, AND AFTER SAVING/UNSAVING ON ONE TAB IDEALLY RELOAD ALL THE OTHER TABS// tested on v0.30.1, v0.31.0, v0.31.2, v0.34.0 on both libreddit and redlib which should be the majority of public instances'use strict';var domain = "";// load savedPosts from localStorage and handle if emptyvar savedPosts = window.localStorage.getItem("savedPosts");if (!savedPosts) {savedPosts = [];}else {savedPosts = savedPosts.split(",");// if localStorage has savedPosts="", splitting gives you [""], don't want that empty string as an elementif (!savedPosts[0]) {savedPosts.splice(0);}}// adds an option to view saved posts when user clicks on Feeds at top left corner (if saved posts exist)if (savedPosts.length) {var link = document.createElement("a");link.textContent = "Saved";link.onclick = showSaved;if (document.getElementById("feed_list").querySelectorAll("p").length == 2) {document.getElementById("feed_list").insertBefore(link, document.getElementById("feed_list").children[4]);}else {document.getElementById("feed_list").appendChild(link);}}// manage saving/unsaving when save/unsave button is clickedfunction manageSaved(id) {if (document.getElementsByClassName(id)[0].textContent == "save") {savedPosts.push(id);document.getElementsByClassName(id)[0].textContent = "unsave";}else {savedPosts.splice(savedPosts.indexOf(id), 1);document.getElementsByClassName(id)[0].textContent = "save";}window.localStorage.setItem("savedPosts", savedPosts);}var post_footer = document.getElementsByClassName("post_footer");// go post by post and add the save/unsave elementfor (var i = 0; i < post_footer.length; i++) {var save = document.createElement("a");// the below is basically a somehow-works hack to get the post id (because the page could either have a collection of posts, or just a single post and i don't want to code for different cases) - can definitely lead to errors if site layout changesvar postId = post_footer[i].querySelector("a").href.split("/")[6];if ((savedPosts.includes(postId))) {save.textContent = "unsave";}else {save.textContent = "save";} = "font-weight: bold;";save.className = post_footer[i].querySelector("a").href.split("/")[6];(function(localPostId) {save.onclick = function() {manageSaved(localPostId);};})(postId);// if url includes comments, it means you're viewing an individual post (hopefully there's no loophole in this)if (!window.location.href.includes("comments")) {post_footer[i].appendChild(save);}else {document.getElementById("post_links").appendChild(save);}}// function to make a div (manipulate the existing div tbh) to show all the saved posts// function is async so posts will show in chronological order but it's a compromise for speed as posts load one by one (speed depends on your network and libreddit/redlib server chosen)async function showSaved() {if (window.location.href != domain) {alert("You can only see Saved posts from home page. Try from there.");}else {if (!savedPosts.length) {alert("No saved posts yet. Go ahead and save some!");}else {// no pagination for nowif (document.querySelectorAll("footer").length == 2) {document.querySelector("footer").remove();}if (document.querySelectorAll("form").length == 2) {document.querySelectorAll("form")[1].remove();}document.title = "loading saved...";var postPage;var hr = document.createElement("hr");hr.className = "sep";document.getElementById("posts").innerHTML = "";for (var j = savedPosts.length - 1; j > -1; j--) {document.getElementById("posts").appendChild(hr);await fetch(domain + "comments/" + savedPosts[j]).then(response => {return response.text();}).then(html => {postPage = new DOMParser().parseFromString(html, "text/html");document.getElementById("posts").appendChild(postPage.getElementsByClassName("post")[0]);console.log(j);document.getElementsByClassName("post")[document.getElementsByClassName("post").length - 1].id = savedPosts[j];}).catch(err => console.error("Error occurred: " + err));}for (var k = 0; k < savedPosts.length; k++) {var save = document.createElement("a"); = "font-weight: bold;";save.className = savedPosts[k];save.textContent = "unsave";(function(index) {save.onclick = function() {manageSaved(savedPosts[index]);};})(k);document.getElementById(savedPosts[k]).querySelector(".post_footer").children[0].appendChild(save);}document.title = "saved";}}}})();