

Maknyos AutoIn

Auto click to a link mostly for download purpose, iframe killer. Supported hosts: zippyshare, mediafire, sendspace, uptobox, cloud.mail.ru, adf.ly, and many more...

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Please fix solidfiles. Download not started automatically.
Sample link: https://www.solidfiles.com/v/2ADnpAXMLXake

Создано: 23.08.2017
Изменено: 23.08.2017
Please fix solidfiles. Download not started automatically.
Sample link: https://www.solidfiles.com/v/2ADnpAXMLXake

Cant reproduce the issue, sis.
Are you already with Maknyos latest version? In what browser it get stuck?

Check: FF 54.0.1
Check: Chrome 60.0.3112.101

Yes, already the latest. I'm on FF 55.0.2. Just get until the download page, nothing happened after that.


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