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Maknyos AutoIn

Auto click to a link mostly for download purpose, iframe killer. Supported hosts: zippyshare, mediafire, sendspace, uptobox, cloud.mail.ru, adf.ly, and many more...

< Обсуждения: Maknyos AutoIn

Отзыв: Хороший — скрипт работает как нужно

Создано: 24.06.2016
Изменено: 24.06.2016

Right away,..
updated, v3.7.9

chrome user may not seeing (media) file being downloaded (from kirino.uguu.at),
it's because instead of download it, the browser play it ..

Right away,..
updated, v3.7.9

chrome user may not seeing (media) file being downloaded (from kirino.uguu.at),
it's because instead of download it, the browser play it ..

terima kasih sudah ditambahkan, scriptnya berjalan dengan baik.
FF 47
Greasemonkey 3.8 + Maknyos AutoIn 3.7.9

Создано: 23.08.2016
Изменено: 23.08.2016
Создано: 23.08.2016
kirino.ga lancar jaya.
untuk my pcloud, masih belum download otomatis.

sample link lain


wogh, msh fail di FF ya (sbnrnya popup aja sih yak)

ditjoba lagi gan,. v3.8.4

Создано: 23.08.2016
Изменено: 23.08.2016

makasih, skrng sudah lancar.
dan terima kasih banyak untuk skirp yg sangat berguna ini.

Создано: 27.08.2016
Изменено: 27.08.2016

tolong perbaiki untuk solidfiles
link : http://www.solidfiles.com/d/c1b6ddd98e/

dan, kumpulbagi ganti domain.

Создано: 28.08.2016
tolong perbaiki untuk solidfiles
link : http://www.solidfiles.com/d/c1b6ddd98e/

dan, kumpulbagi ganti domain.

patched, v3.8.5
pls cekidot :)

Thanks ..

terima kasih.

Создано: 02.09.2016
Изменено: 02.09.2016

Hi there @Idx
Totally loving ur script. Can uploadrocket.net , cloudmail.ru and upload.so be added? Thanks in advance :smile:

Создано: 06.09.2016

Hi there @Idx

Totally loving ur script. Can uploadrocket.net , cloudmail.ru and upload.so be added?

Thanks in advance :smile:

I just can manage to add uploadrocket;
The others either down or my ESET scream that the host is harmfull. :hushed:

I've check all those not working links; v3.8.6 apply some patches for FF.
I'll look into that userscript for further test.


Создано: 06.09.2016
Изменено: 06.09.2016

@Idx bang,kadang buat uptobox kok harus nunggu 2 jam buat download lagi ya ?

Создано: 06.09.2016
Изменено: 06.09.2016
@Idx bang,buat uptobox kok harus nunggu 2 jam buat download lagi ya ?

Lah, gan.. kalo aturan seperti itu ga ada kaitannya dg script.
Host udah biasa punya rule beda2 dengan aturan limit data-transfer per ip address. Klo agan udah donlot file yg cukup gede, apa lagi download sebagai free user biasanya ada batasan.
Udah coba donlot sebagai registered user? --> sapatau ada tambahan bw, ato bahkan jadi premium :p

Hello @Idx That was really fast update :smiley: Really apreciate your effort but I think uploadrocket.net is not actually possible[i tried with v3.8.7] just like any other sites(for example ouo.io) with highly sophisticated IMAGE CAPTCHA verification(because captcha changes with time,user agent.ip address,whether or not ur using adbock etc)........but about the sites you u said ESET security was interferring....here are virustotal ,google safetycheck and Zscaler Zulu risk analyser reports 1)For cloudmail.ru Google safety check: http://goo.gl/fEkCCt Virustotal report: http://goo.gl/pDumeR Zulu: http://goo.gl/HUzs0J [by the way as you might already have or will u will find certain prejudice for ANY russian sites(AV companies tag them as malicious but are just false positives)] Also did u know cloudmail.ru checks ur uploaded files using kaspersky before donloading? Try uploading some fake virus test files and see it for yourself 2)For upload.so Google safety check: http://goo.gl/PZiwlD Virustotal report: Virustotal report:http://goo.gl/89aYmr Zulu: http://goo.gl/TcKq05 I hope i have not said too much Thanks again for ur truly awesome commitments :star: :star: :star:

Создано: 07.09.2016
Изменено: 11.09.2016

I wouldn't spend too much effort fighting captcha, so there it is. Maybe, just maybe if there's a counting down toward next submission, I may patch the script to check if the textbox (captcha) already filled then auto submit the form.

I try check every supported host in this script very thorough..

1. http://www.isup.me/http://cloudmail.ru/; I thought it was isp in my country blocking this host, but isup said that host is down. Is that really a public service?

2. upload.so; Well the site seems legit and have a nice design. But, have you try upload file to this host? Why I never able to get uploaded file back?
On windows, download link return me an application file (but as far I remember, I was uploading an archive file, zip). Waw,.. magic!
On my another box, ubuntu, host return nothing but redirect me to another host to download movie_player stuff. But, why..? Am I doing it wrong or what?

Sorry, I'm intercepting.
- Cloudmail.ru doesn't work for me either (but I'm from Indonesia too)
- Upload.so works for me. There are 1 fake download button, the real one is below it, also you have to uncheck the 'Download our offer' button (it will generate a pop-up though). I got the file I uploaded back.
Sample link: https://upload.so/9e66mel7sac3

Создано: 07.09.2016

Dangg, now i feel like my stupidity getting increased, ._________________.'
Thanks for making it clear @miss_p1nky, .. :)

Patch (+upload.so): v3.9

Bro @Idx
Your work is really apreciated and update is amazingly fast...Thanks for patching upload.so(working flawlessly)

Dangg, now i feel like my stupidity getting increased

Bro it happens/has happened/will keep happening in the near future to all of us.......but really for last year or two this has dramatically reduced for me... i use NoScript +ublock origin in advanced mode(adblocker)+ umatrix(blocks thirdparty resources on all pages)+Anti-adware (removes offers https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/4294-antiadware)
Life has never been any smoother
Note:ublock origin and umatrix takes time to learn

Another note: Sorryyyyyyyy
the link is not cloumail.ru its https://cloud.mail.ru/ example link https://cloud.mail.ru/public/HaSd/MtnexpU43 [link in file is HWinfo-->give info about cpu/ram/motherboard etc]...blue download button...as usual its a russian site but google translate really solves the problem
my bad......
sorry once again :(
Will totally understand if u are frustated and angry and never talk to me again

Yes @"Macgryver Johnson" , Anti-Adware is a great script too. You may need to suggest upload.so to them to remove the offer button.

I could but having Maknyos AutoIn installed i dont even have to open upload.so links.i just open them in new tab(in background) and download automatically starts in IDM

Создано: 11.09.2016

+cloud.mail.ru +gdrive

cekidot bro: v3.9.1


Thanks for adding cloud.mail.ru @Idx

Создано: 20.11.2016



cekidot: v3.9.6



cekidot: v3.9.6

terima kasih.

openload tidak berfungsi, jika skip maknyos di aktifkan, linknya selalu jadi seperti ini.
tolong di cek.

sample link https://openload.co/f/ZtWvp5PoKM8

Создано: 26.12.2016
openload tidak berfungsi, jika skip maknyos di aktifkan, linknya selalu jadi seperti ini.
tolong di cek.

sample link https://openload.co/f/ZtWvp5PoKM8

Patched v3.9.11, cekidot gan..

apa bisa melewati otomatis penyingkat url ini?

Pls add https://drop.me/
Sample link https://drop.me/o69XjB
A great file hosting sites that has no limits!!! NO registration required..

Создано: 05.02.2017
Изменено: 05.02.2017

pls add up.top4top.net
sample link up.top4top.net/downloadf-401hfr001-rar.html
5milion users
fast and eazy

Создано: 06.02.2017
apa bisa melewati otomatis penyingkat url ini?

Pls add https://drop.me/
Sample link https://drop.me/o69XjB
A great file hosting sites that has no limits!!! NO registration required..

pls add up.top4top.net
sample link up.top4top.net/downloadf-401hfr001-rar.html
5milion users
fast and eazy

All patched, v3.9.12

terimakasih sudah di update, dan sepertinya mo###bs nambah domain baru untuk kirino.
sample link : http://kirino.sexy/dl/ff1ed6d5a1db0a1fb96fe04f98f37879

Thanks @Idx for adding firedrop

Hello there @Idx would u please add upera(no waiting) and file-upload(30 sec waiting)?
sample links

Создано: 03.04.2017
Hello there @Idx would u please add upera(no waiting) and file-upload(30 sec waiting)? sample links http://public.upera.co/3IZMk9ai https://www.file-upload.com/e25xwmthx460

Bulk samples:

Pls fix openload. Sample link: https://oload.tv/f/pcqmdvnj_SM/RERIPSCOMAMTUNNEL2016BR72HEVCIYA.rar. Thanks!

all patched v3.9.16 btw, as suggested about openload|oload in here, download wont start on particular condition.


Thanks @Idx for adding upera and file-upload....The captcha automation was awesome!!!!

Pls fix openload. Sample link: https://oload.tv/f/pcqmdvnj_SM/RERIPSCOMAMTUNNEL2016BR72HEVCIYA.rar. Thanks!

all patched v3.9.16

btw, as suggested about openload|oload in here,

download wont start on particular condition.


Waduh, then how to make openload auto start? It has always been a problem with openload, even in streaming sites, IDM's download dialogue will ask me to download. At the moment, clicking the link will generate ads, that's why I think Maknyos AutoIn will help me from those ads.

Создано: 03.04.2017
Изменено: 03.04.2017
Pls fix openload. Sample link: https://oload.tv/f/pcqmdvnj_SM/RERIPSCOMAMTUNNEL2016BR72HEVCIYA.rar. Thanks!

all patched v3.9.16
btw, as suggested about openload|oload in here,
download wont start on particular condition.


Waduh, then how to make openload auto start? It has always been a problem with openload, even in streaming sites, IDM's download dialogue will ask me to download. At the moment, clicking the link will generate ads, that's why I think Maknyos AutoIn will help me from those ads.

url like this: https://openload.co/embed/ogBqZjaHvaQ suppose to be prepared for user to watch, auto-download behaviour might seems unexpected.

Try rename it to: https://openload.co/f/ogBqZjaHvaQ Some patches has been made to replace download element and do something to avoid popup being showed up. (since it keep appear even already using abp/ublock)/.

Pls checkidot: v3.9.17

Penyingkat URL mo###bs tidak menuju ke link download, tapi ke web iklan.
tolong di cek.
sample link http://mo###bs.com/url/go.php?url=http://kirino.ga/lak/265682b89d56bb88fec80a0c3690ce5a

Создано: 11.04.2017
Penyingkat URL mo###bs tidak menuju ke link download, tapi ke web iklan. tolong di cek. sample link http://mo###bs.com/url/go.php?url=http://kirino.ga/lak/265682b89d56bb88fec80a0c3690ce5a

should be patched on v3.9.19

Hello @Idx
Could you please add douploads? Sample file link:

Создано: 06.08.2017
Hello @Idx Could you please add douploads? Sample file link: https://douploads.com/p2t7a5kds6a2 Thanks

Done. :) v3.9.28

Hello @Idx
Could you please add douploads? Sample file link:

Done. :)


Thanks for the swift addition ?????????

Dear @Idx,
Could u please add these sites:
1) BDUpload...sample link https://bdupload.info/12t7bhucvuip
2) HDUpload sample link http://hdupload.net/6dvfpnem451i.html
3) 9xUpload sample link https://9xupload.me/13ey53od9r9f
4) Uptocafe sample link http://uptocafe.com/8lladtlw74b8
5)Indishare sample link http://www.indishare.me/oxa3g0tri5d0
Sorry for the long post...Here's a cute panda:

Создано: 21.09.2017

That's cute panda.

added v3.9.38

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tolong tambahkan upfile.mobi.

link http://upfile.mobi/xKq5AAvE7YI


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