Auto click to a link mostly for download purpose, iframe killer. Supported hosts: zippyshare, mediafire, sendspace, uptobox,,, and many more...
Thanks for your suggestions. (After long period, v3.9.41)
no longer using regex;@description
Short description
Hi :)Your short description is huge, as you are basically using it for tags.
The reason why Greasyfork cannot read your
's, is because greasyfork can only read them if the host and domain is free from
should for a userscript simply be written
.It doesn't follow common sense regarding regex, I know :(
Alternatively, as long as the tags are written in your description field, they will also show up in searches like they do now. Which is why many userscripts adds something at the bottom of their description like: "Since Greasyfork doesn't have a proper tag-system, I am writing related tags here".