Bunpro: Example Sentence AudioJS-Adds Google Translate audio to all the sentences that do not yet have audio.
Bunpro: Egg TimerJS-Times your review session.
Bunpro: JLPT Level IndicatorJS-Adds a JLPT level indicator in reviews.
Bunpro: Jisho ButtonJS-Searches the sentence on Jisho.
Bunpro: Copy SentencesJS-Adds buttons to copy the Japanese and English sentences in review.
Bunpro: Auto-show InfoJS-Automatically expands the full grammar info when you get a review wrong.
Bunpro: Streak Chart AdditionsJS-Adds a bar for unlearned items and changes the labels on the bars to be more informative
Bunpro: Auto Commit 2.0JS-Automatically submits your answer once it's correct.
Bunpro: Mistake DelayJS-Prevents premature wrong answer submission.
Bunpro: Disable Backspace UndoJS-Disables the backspace functionality in reviews
Bunpro: Disable Undo on SRS 11 reviewsJS-Disables the undo button on the last SRS stage
Bunpro: Remove Undo ButtonJS-Disables the undo functionality in reviews
Bunpro: Buttons BarJS(библиотека)-Adds an easy way to add buttons to the bunpro review page.
Bunpro: Helpful EventsJS(библиотека)-A set of custom events which make it easier to detect changes on the page.
Wanikani: Review CacheJS(библиотека)-Stores reviews for other scripts
HeatmapJS(библиотека)-Simple script that creates a heatmap
Wait For SelectorJS(библиотека)-Waits for selectors to match newly added nodes