Wanikani: Review Answer StreakJS-Counts the number of times you have get review questions right in a row
WaniKani Stroke OrderJS-Shows a kanji's stroke order on its page and during lessons and reviews.
Wanikani: Back to backJS-Makes reading and meaning appear back to back in reviews and lessons
Wanikani: Reorder OmegaJS-Reorders n stuff
Wanikani: Expected Daily Number of ReviewsJS-Displays the expected number of daily reviews given the current SRS distribution
Wanikani: Move context sentence to topJS-Moves the context sentence to the top when you open the full info of a vocabulary item.
Wanikani: Order Vocab's Kanji BreakdownJS-Puts vocabulary words' kanji breakdown into the order of appearance within the word.
Wanikani: Autofocus notes areaJS-Autofocus notes area in lessons and reviews after clicking "add note".
Wanikani: Skip to QuizJS-Enables the quiz button without having to go through any of the lessons.
Wanikani: Woah BurnsJS-Adds a Kanna Woah emote to your burns count
Wanikani: Burn BellJS-Plays a bell sound when you burn an item
Wanikani Open Framework JLPT, Joyo, and Frequency filtersJS-Adds filters for JLPT level, Joyo grade, total frequency, and adding various relative frequencies
Wanikani Open Framework: Visually similar kanji filterJS-Adds a wkof filter for visually similar kanji
Wanikani Forums: Easy FuriganaJS-Adds a button to generate ruby code for furigana from <kanji>[furigana] or <kanji>{furigana} for spoilered furigana.
Wanikani: Levels by SRSJS-Displays your level for each SRS stage.
Wanikani: Dashboard ApprenticeJS-Displays all your apprentice items on the dashboard
Wanikani: Hotkey for other voice actorJS-Binds the I key to play the audio from the other voice actor
Wanikani: Random voice actorJS-Randomizes the preferred voice actor
Wanikani: Locked CountJS-Adds a locked count to the SRS breakdown on the dashboard
Wanikani: Move notes to topJS-Moves the notes to the top if there is anything written in them
Wanikani Forums: 10charsJS-Inserts invisible text into any post not meeting the 10 character requirement
Wanikani: Fast Vocab BreakdownJS-Automatically displays the meanings of the kanji when you get a vocab item wrong
Wanikani: Review Queue SRS BreakdownJS-Adds a display showing how many items of each SRS stage there are in your queue
Wanikani Forums: Deep Quote HiderJS-Hides quotes deeper than 3 quotes in posts
Wanikani: Review Queue SizerJS-Lets you choose the size of your review session
Wanikani Forums: Bottled WaniMeKaniJS-Adds WaniMeKani functions to your own posts
Wanikani Forums: EmoterJS-Custom emote handler
Wanikani: No TimeoutJS-Hides the timeout message so that you can continue your reviews.
Wanikani Forums: BlobsJS-Convert boring face emoji to pretty blob emoji
Wanikani: Settings Exporter & ImporterJS-Imports and exports your WKOF settings
Wanikani: Detailed SRS PopupsJS-Changes apprentice and guru popups to say their respective numbers. E.G. Apprentice 1 or Guru 2
Bunpro: Buttons BarJS(библиотека)-Adds an easy way to add buttons to the bunpro review page.
Bunpro: Helpful EventsJS(библиотека)-A set of custom events which make it easier to detect changes on the page.
Wanikani: Review CacheJS(библиотека)-Stores reviews for other scripts
HeatmapJS(библиотека)-Simple script that creates a heatmap
Wait For SelectorJS(библиотека)-Waits for selectors to match newly added nodes