Simpleicons.org Dynamic Colors JS - Allows you to customize the color of the svg before download.
Ye Olde Lemmy JS - A handy toggle for a familiar desktop experience for lemmy. Quickly switch from {instance} to o.opnxng.com/{instance} and back
Meta Snitch JS - Print page meta data like title, meta keywords, meta description, canonical URL, hreflang tags, OG tags and twitter cards to the console. Also detects different versions of Google Analytics and prints the measurement ID if it can find it.
Sorry, Google! JS - Take your search elsewhere on the "/sorry" captcha pages Google serves when you use a ###. Hold CTRL while clicking to open in a new tab.
Change Agent JS - Monitor any page for element changes and pop an alert if a change is detected.
forum.qnap.com css fix JS - Removes the "?assets_version=135" query string bit from any css link on forum.qnap.com.
Video Controls for Instagram JS - Instagram video controls with keyboard shortcuts and persistent unmute, originally by FXZFun (fxzfun.com).