Replace Images with Animated Smiley JS - Replaces all images (including JPG, PNG, GIF, etc.) on the page with an animated smiley.
Zelenka.guru Page Navigation JS - Allows navigation to a specific page on Zelenka.guru threads
Open Chat on the Same Page with Custom Icon JS - Open chat on the same page with a custom icon
Open Chat on the Same Page with Custom Icon LZT MARKET JS - Open chat on the same page with a custom icon
Open Chat on the Same Page with Custom Icon JS - Open chat on the same page with a custom icon
Open Chat on the Same Page with Custom Icon LZT Market JS - Open chat on the same page with a custom icon
Замена фонового изображения на zelenka.guru JS - Заменяет фоновое изображение на zelenka.guru
Color Favorites for Multiple Sites JS - Script for multiple sites
Color Favorites for Multiple Sites JS - Script for multiple sites
Color Favorites for Multiple Sites JS - Script for multiple sites
Forum Enhancement JS - Enhance forum UI with animations and effects
Forum Enhancement JS - Enhance forum UI with animations and effects
Forum Enhancement JS - Enhance forum UI with animations and effects
Proxy.php JS - Enhance forum UI with animations and effects
Forum Enhancement JS - Enhance forum UI with animations and effects
Forum Enhancement JS - Enhance forum UI with animations and effects
для сереги JS - Enhance forum UI with animations and effects
Telegram-Conversations JS - Телеграм Вид аддон гaндон я eбу ваще
NO Telegram-Conversations JS - Телеграм Вид аддон гaндон я eбу ваще
Open Thread in Modal on Right Click JS - Open thread in a modal on right-click and close modal on outside click
Add rgb-text Class to XenForo HTML JS - Adds the rgb-text class to the XenForo HTML element
Smart Search JS - Определяет, какие изображения и видео вставил автор темы, а какие другие пользователи