Fix Bitwarden compatibility JS - Make login/password boxes on selected sites compatible with Bitwarden auto-fill
Youtube: expand description and long comments; show all the replies JS - Video description, long comments and list of subscriptions are expanded automatically; all the replies are shown after pressing "Show more replies" button
Export Youtube Playlist in tab delimited text JS - Creates the current playlist as tab delimited text to be easily copied
CSS: meteoblue.com JS - Corrections to UI of meteoblue.com
CSS: cyberyozh.com JS - Corrections to UI of cyberyozh.com: font style
CSS: startpage.com JS - Corrections to UI of startpage.com
CSS: marinetraffic.com JS - Corrections to UI of marinetraffic.com
CSS: internationalwealth.info JS - Corrections to UI of internationalwealth.info: font style
CSS: m.facebook.com - text copy JS - Corrections to UI of Facebook for mobile browsers: text copy enabled
CSS: m.facebook.com - cleaner UI JS - Corrections to UI of Facebook for mobile browsers: remove useless panels
CSS: webapp.navionics.com JS - Remove useless panels from webapp.navionics.com UI
CSS: www.facebook.com - font Segoe UI JS - Corrections to UI of new Facebook for desktop browsers: font Segoe UI, bigger text size
CSS: www.facebook.com - font Arial JS - Corrections to UI of new Facebook for desktop browsers: font Arial, bigger text size
CSS: ventusky.com JS - Corrections to UI of ventusky.com
7ktTube fixes JS - Fix UI of youtube.com after 7ktTube | 2016 REDUX script
YT video tab by default JS - Open "Video" tab of youtube channel by default
Replace youtube redirect links JS - Replace youtube redirect links with direct links and extend links text to its full length
Remove overlay messages on Youtube JS - Remove Youtube message about inappropriate or offensive content
CSS: earthquake.usgs.gov JS - Corrections to UI of earthquake.usgs.gov
CSS: twitter.com JS - Corrections to UI of twitter.com
View full size images at m.facebook.com JS - Add a button "View full size" under the images at m.facebook.com
CSS: google.com JS - Corrections to UI of google.com
Compact Youtube layout JS - Corrections to UI of youtube.com: trying to make it more compact like in good old times
YT pause video on comment JS - Youtube video is paused if you have opened the url with link to comment