Ghost Trappers - Loot AlerterJS-To be used with the Ghost Trappers Facebook game. This script will alert you when you receive specified loot you are looking for.
MouseHunt Rival Point - Extreme Toboggan ChallengeJS-Get rival details, button below hints
Steampunk Temptress TrackerJS-Keep log of steampunk temptress and obtain ratio of catches to misses in GT
GT - Check if Gifts/Invites existJS-GT script to check for badges to accept and send, and also to check if there are any friend invites
GT - Community Boosts NotifierJS-If hunters need you to boost them, a notification shows up above your trap setup (once per 15 minutes)
GT - Summoning Room Time CheckerJS-To notify hunters if time is up for a glyph
MouseHunt - Spooky Shuffle TrackerJS-Play Spooky Shuffle more conveniently by keeping track of what you've already uncovered
MH Golden Egg IdentifierJS-MH Golden Egg 2018 Spring Egg Hunt identifier