TORN Stock Market Abbreviations JS - Show the Abbreviations next to Company names in Torn City's Stock Exchange
Redbubble Get Promotional Image URLs JS - Gets urls for all promo images from a RedBubble promotion page and saves a txt file contianing urls
My_Logger_Util JS (библиотека) - Basic Logger Util for my UserScripts
Task_Array_Util JS (библиотека) - //https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15504921/asynchronous-loop-of-jquery-deferreds-promises?answertab=votes#tab-top
Timing_JQuery_Util JS (библиотека) - try to take over the world!
My_General_Utils JS (библиотека) - Utils I use for other user scripts.
Tiny Modal JS (библиотека) - Tiny Modal!