Better 22pixx.xyz JS - Just open the image - 12/16/2021, 10:03:09 AM
Allegro.pl - convert prices to EUR JS - 1/16/2022, 1:31:29 AM - Convert prices to EUR. You have to get a free API key from https://free.currencyconverterapi.com/ in order to use this script. The first time you use it on allegro, you will receive a prompt for the API key. It will keep prompting until you provide a valid key. If you don't want to see the prompt, turn off the script.
Better RARBG search - search by size, descending; add quick search box JS - 2022-01-30, 16:12:23
Better imgbase.ru JS - Just open the image - 2/5/2022, 11:54:53 AM
Add "Post a new script" link to greasyfork.org and sleazyfork.org nav menu JS - Add "Post a new script" link to greasyfork.org and sleazyfork.org nav menu - 8/28/2022, 10:16:09 PM
Use preferred language on steamcommunity.com and store.steampowered.com (Steam Store) JS - When going to steamcommunity.com or store.steampowered.com from search r###lts, they often include the l get parameter, which sets the language to something random that your search engine picked up. This script removes that, so your preferred language, which you set in the browser, is used instead. 9/4/2022, 8:53:53 AM
YouTube.com - channel name and upload date in tab title, no notification count JS - The interaction reminder (notification count) is annoying and serves no purpose. I know there are notifications. There are always notifications. Also, to be useful, add the channel name at the start of the tab title and upload date at the end. 9/4/2022, 10:40:56 AM
YouTube - put upload date and views in title heading (in description) JS - If you're zoomed in above 100%, YouTube hides the upload date and amount of views. #### YouTube. 9/4/2022, 10:03:31 AM
Steam Search - Click Through To Game JS - If the URL contains the clickthrough=1 GET variable, then if there is an exact match for the search, click through to it to open the game's page. This is for use with search add-ons and search engine keyword functionality. 5/18/2023, 3:25:43 AM
Better billa.at orders page JS - Easier navigation on the order list: the order being viewed is highlighted in the table, and the footer has a button to return to it - 2023-05-21, 01:41:37 AM
Better torrentgalaxy.to torrent title JS - Remove the "TGx:" prefix from the torrent title and replace periods with spaces - 6/4/2023, 3:57:19 AM
Better TorrentGalaxyX TGX search - search by size, descending JS - Improve pornolab.net quick search form so it always defaults to searching by size in descending order; fix captcha bug - 2024-02-14, 18:17:39