FreeGOGPcGames Timer Bypass JS - Script to bypass the timer on the FreeGogPcGames download page website.
GOG additional buttons and downloads JS - Add GOG DB and GOG Games links to the GOG store
Artstation get Images links to Download JS - Add a button to copy all image links at Artstation page for bulk download or download.
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P3DM Timer Bypass JS - Обход таймера страницы загрузки
Googleusercontent_max_size JS - Modifies the URL parameter to add "=s9999" after the equals sign (=), that do the max size and quality to image to download.
Block Google Analytics JS - Блокирует Google Analytics на всех веб-страницах.
Soundcloud Album Art Downloader+ JS - Allows you to download album art on the Soundcloud website.
VRCMods Download Bypass No Login and ADS JS - VRCMods Download Bypass,No Login? no timer and ADS.
Steam advance Downloads links in store JS - Steam advance Downloads links in store to search and download for free ;)
GOG additional buttons and downloads JS - Add GOG DB, GOG Games links to free download
HotPot.ai Confirm Page Refresh JS - Ask for confirmation before refreshing the page, help to not lose all generated images data to reload page...
HotPot.ai Free Unlimited Create JS - Unlimited Create Points and unlock button create whe some generate to generate more in same time.
⚙️HotPot.ai Restyled JS - Добавляет кнопку для авто-прокрутки и изменения текста в зависимости от положения страницы, с изменением фона на темно фиолетовый.
HotPot.ai R###ltCount JS - Добавляет счетчик сколько было сгенерировано изображений.
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HotPot.ai show all styles JS - Добавляет всех стилей
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⚙️Coub Downloading JS - Add 3 Buttons to download Video,audio,loop when click button you can open it in new tab by click mouse button or right click selet open in new tab to preview.
EpicGames Additional Links JS - Adds additional links to EpicGames store for free download.
Majorgeeks gallery view JS - Replace arrow images with actual thumbnails from the linked pages, and render in grid gallery links view and resize image when cursor on it.