Dropbox convert to direct linkJS-Removes www and change https to http and dl=0 to dl=1
Facebook Videos Downloader - ForkJS-Add download links for facebook videos (support video on newfeeds and single video page). Fork from EThaiZone version.
songsterr print enableJS-ReEnable Print!
NF_NoPreviewAndMusicXMLJS-Sets'preview=false' on halleonard note flight viewer and adds a DL button for music.XML
iredadmin_CSV_OneLineAdderJS-Allows simply add users by one CSV line in the iredadmin web interface
Planet Romeo - Poor Men's PlusJS-Restores blur out tiles on the Planet Romeo visitors tab for non-plus users
Clean fbclid from Facebook linksJS-Removes the fbclid(= Facebook Click ID) parameter and Facebook redirect - (l.facebook.com?u=...) from all links in Facebook when scrolling.
yalb UnlockerJS-Enables yalb premium buttons