NEFU-KEO-16-coursesJS-Этот скрипт скрывает лишние курсы в дашборде Moodle СВФУ
Instagram-native-playerJS-This little script replaces Instagram's player with the native one built in browser
Raw text copier for TV programmesJS-This is a script for Yandex TV and Mail.ru TV programmes that adds raw text for easier copying into any app as a plain text
Кнопка "Показать в полном размере" для Google КартинкиJS-Этот скрипт добавляет кнопку "Показать в полном размере" для Google Картинки.
Office Online ViewerJS-View office documents in your browser with Microsoft Office Online. Previously made by ogzergin
Aliexpress link fixierJS-This script fixes links redirects' to new interface
Joker YKT video downloaderJS-This script downloads video from joker.ykt.ru
2GIS phone number copierJS-2GIS mobile phone number copier allow you to copy any Russian mobile phone number to your device"s clipboard
VK link fixierJS-This script removes 'vk.com/away' links redirects
Whatsapp Web dark theme enablerJS-A JS file for Tampermonkey that allows you to enable dark theme on Whatsapp Web website.
Google Docs redirection to Microsoft OfficeJS-A JS file for Tampermonkey that redirects from Google Document to Microsoft Office when you browse files from external websites.
Krisha.kz phone number copierJS-Krisha.kz mobile phone number copier allow you to copy any Russian/Kazakh mobile phone number to your device's clipboard
SMM Planner - SakhaDayJS-This is a little text enhancer for SMM Planner dashboard. Preferably for Cyrillic text style rules.
vk-feed-acceleratorJS-Accelerates long VK.com feed pages by removing seen posts.
VK IM reposts filterJS-Searches for reposts or just a picture messages in VK Messenger. Just open a chat and click "Find reposts"!
InoReader follow inner linksJS-Script for InoReader that allows to open links that are presented in the article. Press `:` (`;`) to focus a link, or press `'` (`"`) to focus previous ones. Press `[` (`{`) or `]` (`}`) to open selected link in a new tab.
InoReader restore lost images and videosJS-Loads new images and videos from VK and Telegram in InoReader articles
InoReader highlight transparent imagesJS-Hightlights transparent images in InoReader with a white border
InoReader replace comss.ru domain with comss.oneJS-Replaces comss.ru links to comss.one for those who try to access comss.ru website from outside of Russian Federation
InoReader dynamic height of tiles in the card viewJS-Makes cards' heights to be dynamic depending on image height
InoReader autoplay video in card viewJS-Autoplays Telegram video generated by RSS-Bridge feed when user chooses "card view" (press `4`)
InoReader copy cover imageJS-Copy cover image of the post you selected in article list view
InoReader get Habr statsJS-Shows comments and rating counter for Habr articles
Inoreader: viewing API for userscriptsJS-This userscript provides an API to modify the viewing experience of Inoreader