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Can you make user css searchable?
Search could look at "Applies to" section too.
And would be nice to have a search option to exclude searching at "Additional info", because people add lots of "poetry" there and you get lots of irrelevant r###lts.
As for dark mode for greasyfork, I wrote one kinda ~universal one -> https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/421332-darkmode-user
It's pretty simple and can be adapted to any site, just need to know "mix-blend-mode" interactions with various elements.
One issue: some drop down menus are wonky, dunno how to fix it, if someone can then be my guest and do it.
That option is already there on the right side "last option" of your screen...
On Language: click on CSS, that's it...
There's quite a bunch of scripts js that does that too, there are a few similar to this one I wrote https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/424595-night-mode
I was looking for dark mode css for greasyfork today and I figure it is extremely hard.
I use stylus and the search engine within the extension give me some options but none of the dark mode css are updating.
And then I was looking for sciprt using greasyfork search engine and it gives r###lts that are not working.
Finally I found a page about [Beta] User CSS support
So I am wondering are there any plans to list user css in the search r###lts?
And finally I am glad I did found 1 dark mode css for greasyfork that is working and updating
It would had been sad to have User CSS support but no user css for this site