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pron.tv image size
Thumbnail images are 120px, and are displayed at 155px. Too bad.
You can resize the images, but you the quality will be the same low quality.
yes it'll probably still be a low quality but it's better than not distinguish shapes.
can you propose a script ?
Try something like this to resize thumbnails x3 and reorder the green infos:
// ==UserScript==
// @author @leoncastro
// @namespace http://greasyfork.org
// @name pron-tv
// @version 0.01
// @description pron.tv
// @include /^(?:https?:)?\/\/(?:www\.)?pron\.tv\/(?:stream|download)\/.*/
// @grant GM_addStyle
// @run-at document-start
// ==/UserScript==
GM_addStyle('.search-r###lt-thumbnail{float:none;max-height:270px}.search-r###lt-thumbnail img{width:360px;max-height:268px}');
This will not sort by duration, because info does not show that param.
Thanks, i called it: pron-tv resized thumbnails
But here's an issue, if you try a search for ex:
the lower part of resized thumbnails is hidden,
could you resize r###lts "frames" (bottom should go down)
line 9. // @run-at document-end
I will be punish to write 100 times "document-end" document-end document-end document-end document-end document-end ...
thanks, fixed ))
the lower part of resized thumbnails is hidden,
Amateur clone-site with unrelated sources, search function not retrieving usual videos as in pron. search terms used: LOLA
& also:
pron.tv image size
I found the biggest & most accurate x search engine, but the thumbnails are a bit too small,
i'd love to have the blue title above, for each thumbnail, the thumbnail under & the green infos
right under the thumbnail with thumbnails doubled or tripled in size..
& i don't know if you can do it, not sure, but sorting by duration all r###lts would be perfect.