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avoid some firefox addon/plugins/scripts updates from popping on when i check for updates

Posted: 06-10-2017

avoid some firefox addon/plugins/scripts updates from popping on when i check for updates

I only check for updates for all addons once in a while, by doing it, i go to the addons manager & on top,
i select check for updates, & then a button/menu appears on the left "available updates", (even though this
following option doesn't interest me) either you turn on or off auto updates by right clicking addons & click on
"show more information", those addons i don't want to update, return & are still listed in "available updates" .. .
So even if there are really no new updates, addons that i don't ever want to update appear in "available updates"
instead of having the "no updates available at this time", and to make sure it's not addons i don't want to update,
i have to go click it (which is time wasting since they will always appear) & see their new version warnings..

& if there are 3 new updates with 2 addons i don't want to update in "available updates", i must unselect
& remember the ones i don't want to update, i can't just click "install updates" & update all addons .. .

Thats why an addon would be wonderful for firefox
to avoid showing those addons in the "available updates" of the addons menu
by the use of 2 new buttons ..

"exclude / reinclude Submenu options in the extensions & userstyle section of the addon window"

Ps: (uninterested) auto update switching option has nothing to do with the check for availability of addons,
for my part, auto updating is a very bad approach of keeping software up to date,
(without reading whats new & if you really need it or not, if it's too invasive or not, if it's buggy or not)

Those 2 submenu settings are useful to avoid checking over & over, addons that appear as "available"
when i don't want specific addons to be updated..

- for mod or pseudo-static versions of addons
- buggy addons that i need to temporarily exclude from availability..
- addons versions without invasive features, to keep a specific version only

If anyone could create this addon, here's what a busy coder told me,
if it can help, even though my expectation was clear:

You could either attach a mutation observer to #updates-list to remove extensions
as they're added to it (or uncheck the "Include in Update" button by default, perhaps),
or i believe you could listen for the ViewChanged event firing on
the right node. The relevant code is in
gUpdatesView._showAvailableUpdates() (and gViewController.notifyViewChanged()).

But i'm not a coder to understand this & it's not my goal.

Posted: 21-03-2018

noone ?

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