Additional quality of life filters: - Show or hide category icons; - Show or hide torrent thumbnails; - Show or hide movie and tv filters (Removes torrents with KORSUB and 720p); - Show or hide porn; - search for movies and tv shows by genre - Filter based on minimum IMDB rating;
< Feedback on RARBG Advanced Filters
That's set by the website. My script has no control over that.
It might be possible but would require some heavy work to send xml http request to load further r###lts and then append them to the current list (though I don't even know if it's possible to send such requests via userscripts).
Even if possible, RARBG has a sentry that will ban or block an IP if an IP hits their domain too many times. I've encountered it a few times while developing the script. I can assure you that increasing the number of r###lts beyond 25 would likely trigger their sentry. I'd rather not do that. 25 is a happy medium.
how can i change the number of search r###lts in RARBG, by default it shows 25 search r###lt and now i want to change it to 100, how to do it ? please help