B站直播间挂机用: 签到,#瓜子,移动端心跳,瓜子换硬币等
< Feedback on Bilibili直播间挂机助手3
模块导入失败怎么回事?模块导入失败TypeError: Cannot read property 'postIMPORT' of undefinedconst NAME = '宝箱'; const config = { treasureBox: false, silverBox: false, goldBox: false, aid: 626, interval: 60, ignoreKeywords: ['test', 'encrypt', '测试', '钓鱼', '加密', '炸鱼'] }; const exports = async function (importModule, BLUL, GM) { await BLUL.addResource('tfjs', ['https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@tensorflow/[email protected]/dist/tf.min.js']); await BLUL.addResource('TreasureBox_Model', ['https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/SeaLoong/BLRHH/models/treasurebox_captcha/model.json', 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SeaLoong/BLRHH/dev/models/treasurebox_captcha/model.json']); const Util = BLUL.Util; const worker = await BLUL.Worker.importModule('TreasureBox/worker'); let tipElement; let timerElement; const canvas = $('')[0]; const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); let loadImageResolveFn; const image = new Image(120, 40); image.onload = () => { if (loadImageResolveFn) { loadImageResolveFn(); loadImageResolveFn = null; } }; function loadImage (url) { const promise = new Promise(resolve => (loadImageResolveFn = resolve)); image.src = url; return promise; } function setTip (html) { return tipElement && tipElement.html(html); } function timing (time) { if (!timerElement) return; if (timerElement.interval) { clearInterval(timerElement.interval); timerElement.interval = null; } time = Math.ceil(time); if (time <= 0) return; return new Promise(resolve => { timerElement.html(time); timerElement.show(); timerElement.interval = setInterval(() => { if (--time <= 0) { clearInterval(timerElement.interval); timerElement.interval = null; timerElement.hide(); resolve(); } else { timerElement.html(time); } }, 1e3); }); } let silverBoxData; const NAME_SILVER_BOX = NAME + '-银瓜子宝箱'; async function silverBox () { BLUL.debug('TreasureBox.silverBox'); try { const response = await BLUL.Request.fetch('https://api.live.bilibili.com/lottery/v1/SilverBox/getCurrentTask'); const obj = await response.json(); if (obj.code === 0) { silverBoxData = obj.data; setTip(`次数${silverBoxData.times}/${silverBoxData.max_times}银瓜子${silverBoxData.silver}`); BLUL.Logger.info(NAME_SILVER_BOX, `任务:${silverBoxData.minute} 分钟, ${silverBoxData.silver} 银瓜子, 次数 ${silverBoxData.times}/${silverBoxData.max_times}`); await timing(silverBoxData.time_end - Date.now() / 1000 + 1); return silverBoxAward(); } else if (obj.code === -10017) { // 今天所有的宝箱已经#完! setTip('今日已#完'); BLUL.Logger.info(NAME_SILVER_BOX, obj.message); return Util.cancelRetry(silverBox); } else if (obj.code === -500) { // 请先登录! setTip('请先登录'); BLUL.Logger.warn(NAME_SILVER_BOX, obj.message); return Util.cancelRetry(silverBox); } BLUL.Logger.warn(NAME_SILVER_BOX, obj.message); } catch (error) { BLUL.Logger.error(NAME_SILVER_BOX, error); } return Util.retry(silverBox); } async function silverBoxAward () { BLUL.debug('TreasureBox.silverBoxAward'); try { let response = await BLUL.Request.fetch('https://api.live.bilibili.com/lottery/v1/SilverBox/getCaptcha?ts=' + Date.now()); let obj = await response.json(); await loadImage(obj.data.img); ctx.drawImage(image, 0, 0); const captcha = await worker.predict(ctx.getImageData(0, 0, image.width, image.height)); const r###lt = (0, eval)(captcha); // eslint-disable-line no-eval BLUL.debug('验证码识别结果: ', `${captcha}=${r###lt}`); response = await BLUL.Request.fetch({ url: 'https://api.live.bilibili.com/lottery/v1/SilverBox/getAward', search: { time_start: silverBoxData.time_start, end_time: silverBoxData.time_end, captcha: r###lt } }); obj = await response.json(); switch (obj.code) { case 0: BLUL.Logger.success(NAME_SILVER_BOX, `#取了 ${obj.data.awardSilver} 银瓜子`); Util.cancelRetry(silverBoxAward); return silverBox(); case -903: // -903: 已经#取过这个宝箱 case -500: // -500:#取时间未到, 请稍后再试 Util.cancelRetry(silverBoxAward); return silverBox(); case -800: // -800:未绑定手机 case 1001: setTip('未绑定手机'); BLUL.Logger.warn(NAME_SILVER_BOX, '未绑定手机,不能#取银瓜子'); return Util.cancelRetry(silverBoxAward); case 400: // 400: 访问被拒绝 setTip('访问被拒绝'); BLUL.Logger.error(NAME_SILVER_BOX, obj.message); return Util.cancelRetry(silverBoxAward); case -902: // -902: 验证码错误 case -901: // -901: 验证码过期 BLUL.Logger.info(NAME_SILVER_BOX, obj.message); Util.cancelRetry(silverBoxAward); break; default: BLUL.Logger.warn(NAME_SILVER_BOX, obj.message); } } catch (error) { BLUL.Logger.error(NAME_SILVER_BOX, error); } return Util.retry(silverBoxAward); } const NAME_GOLD_BOX = NAME + '-金宝箱'; const aidStatusMap = new Map(); async function goldBox () { BLUL.debug('TreasureBox.goldBox'); BLUL.Logger.info(NAME_GOLD_BOX, '正在检查可参加的宝箱抽奖'); let aid = config.aid; const step = 8; let l = 0; while (aid > l) { if (await joinActivity(aid)) { l = Math.max(l, aid); aid += Math.floor(step); } else { aid--; } } config.aid = aid; await BLUL.Config.set('treasureBox.goldBox.aid', config.aid); aidStatusMap.clear(); } function joinActivity (aid) { return (async function tryJoin () { if (aidStatusMap.has(aid)) return aidStatusMap.get(aid); BLUL.debug('TreasureBox.joinActivity'); try { const r = await BLUL.Request.fetch({ url: 'https://api.live.bilibili.com/xlive/lottery-interface/v2/Box/getStatus?aid=' + aid, referrer: 'https://live.bilibili.com/p/html/live-room-treasurebox/index.html?aid=' + aid }); const obj = await r.json(); if (obj.code !== 0) { BLUL.Logger.warn(NAME_GOLD_BOX, obj.message); aidStatusMap.set(aid, false); return false; } if (!obj.data) { aidStatusMap.set(aid, false); return false; } let joinTime = 0; const title = obj.data.title; if (config.ignoreKeywords.some(v => title.includes(v))) { BLUL.Logger.info(NAME_GOLD_BOX, `忽略抽奖: ${title}(aid=${aid})`); } else { for (const o of obj.data.typeB) { if (o.status === 0 || o.status === -1) { const names = []; for (const g of o.list) { names.push(g.jp_name); } joinTime = Math.max(joinTime, o.join_end_time); draw(aid, o.round_num, o.startTime, o.join_start_time, o.join_end_time, title, ...names); } } } Util.cancelRetry(tryJoin); const rt = joinTime * 1e3 <= Date.now(); aidStatusMap.set(aid, rt); return rt; } catch (error) { BLUL.Logger.error(NAME_GOLD_BOX, `aid=${aid}`, error); } return Util.retry(tryJoin); })(); } /* eslint-disable camelcase */ const drawMap = new Map(); function draw (aid, number, startTime, join_start_time, join_end_time, title, ...names) { if (!drawMap.has(aid)) drawMap.set(aid, new Set()); const set = drawMap.get(aid); if (set.has(number)) return; set.add(number); async function timeoutDraw () { BLUL.debug('TreasureBox.draw.timeoutDraw'); try { const r = await BLUL.Request.fetch({ url: 'https://api.live.bilibili.com/xlive/lottery-interface/v2/Box/draw', search: { aid, number }, referrer: 'https://live.bilibili.com/p/html/live-room-treasurebox/index.html?aid=' + aid }); const obj = await r.json(); if (obj.code === 0) { BLUL.Logger.success(NAME_GOLD_BOX, '已参加抽奖: ' + title, '奖品:', ...names); setTimeout(timeoutEnd, (join_end_time + 5) * 1e3 - Date.now()); Util.cancelRetry(timeoutDraw); } else if (obj.message.includes('未开始')) { return Util.retry(timeoutDraw); } else { BLUL.Logger.warn(NAME_GOLD_BOX, obj.message); } } catch (error) { BLUL.Logger.error(NAME_GOLD_BOX, `aid=${aid},number=${number}`, error); return Util.retry(timeoutDraw); } } async function timeoutEnd () { BLUL.debug('TreasureBox.draw.timeoutEnd'); try { const r = await BLUL.Request.fetch({ url: 'https://api.live.bilibili.com/xlive/lottery-interface/v2/Box/getWinnerGroupInfo', search: { aid, number }, referrer: 'https://live.bilibili.com/p/html/live-room-treasurebox/index.html?aid=' + aid }); const obj = await r.json(); if (obj.code === 0) { if (!obj.data.groups) { return Util.retry(timeoutEnd); } for (const gift of obj.data.groups) { const arr = []; for (const u of gift.list) { arr.push(u.uid + ' ' + u.uname); } BLUL.Logger.info(NAME_GOLD_BOX, '奖品: ' + gift.giftTitle, '中奖人:', ...arr); } Util.cancelRetry(timeoutEnd); } else { BLUL.Logger.warn(NAME_GOLD_BOX, obj.message); } } catch (error) { BLUL.Logger.error(NAME_GOLD_BOX, `aid=${aid},number=${number}`, error); return Util.retry(timeoutEnd); } } const t = (join_start_time + 3) * 1e3 - Date.now(); if (t > 0) { BLUL.Logger.info(NAME_GOLD_BOX, '等待参加: ' + title, '开始时间: ' + startTime, '奖品: ', ...names); } setTimeout(timeoutDraw, t); } /* eslint-enable camelcase */ async function run () { if (!config.treasureBox) return; BLUL.debug('TreasureBox.run'); (async function runSilverBox () { if (!config.treasureBox || !config.silverBox) return; if (!tipElement && !timerElement && !$('.draw-box.gift-left-part').length) { const box = $('#gift-control-vm div.treasure-box.p-relative').first(); box.attr('id', 'old_treasure_box'); box.hide(); const cssTreasureBox = `${BLUL.NAME}-treasure-box`; const cssTreasureBoxText = `${BLUL.NAME}-treasure-box-text`; await GM.addStyle(` .${cssTreasureBox} { position: relative; min-width: 46px; display: inline-block; float: left; padding: 22px 0 0 15px; } .${cssTreasureBoxText} { text-align: center; user-select: none; max-width: 40px; padding: 2px 4px; margin-top: 3px; font-size: 12px; color: #fff; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.5); border-radius: 10px; } `); const div = $(``); tipElement = $(`自动#取中`); timerElement = $(``); timerElement.hide(); box.after(div); div.append(tipElement); tipElement.after(timerElement); } /* eslint-disable camelcase */ if (!BLUL.INFO?.InfoByUser?.info || BLUL.INFO.InfoByUser.info.mobile_verify) { setTip('自动#取中'); await worker.loadModel(await BLUL.getResourceUrl('TreasureBox_Model')); await silverBox(); } else { setTip('未绑定手机'); BLUL.Logger.warn(NAME_SILVER_BOX, '未绑定手机,不能#取银瓜子'); } /* eslint-enable camelcase */ Util.callAtTime(runSilverBox); })(); (async function runGoldBox () { if (!config.treasureBox || !config.goldBox) return; /* eslint-disable camelcase */ if (!BLUL.INFO?.InfoByUser?.info || BLUL.INFO.InfoByUser.info.mobile_verify) { await goldBox(); } else { BLUL.Logger.warn(NAME_SILVER_BOX, '未绑定手机,不能参加宝箱抽奖'); } /* eslint-enable camelcase */ setTimeout(runGoldBox, config.interval * 60e3); })(); } BLUL.onupgrade(async () => { await BLUL.Config.set('treasureBox.goldBox.aid', config.aid); }); BLUL.oninit(() => { BLUL.Config.addItem('treasureBox', NAME, config.treasureBox, { tag: 'input', attribute: { type: 'checkbox' } }); BLUL.Config.addItem('treasureBox.silverBox', '银瓜子宝箱', config.silverBox, { tag: 'input', help: '#取银瓜子宝箱,需要绑定手机才能正常使用', attribute: { type: 'checkbox' } }); BLUL.Config.addItem('treasureBox.goldBox', '金宝箱', config.silverBox, { tag: 'input', help: '参加金宝箱抽奖(即实物抽奖),需要绑定手机才能正常使用', attribute: { type: 'checkbox' } }); BLUL.Config.addItem('treasureBox.goldBox.aid', 'aid', config.aid, { tag: 'input', help: '此项只用于存储和显示数据', attribute: { type: 'number', readonly: true } }); BLUL.Config.addItem('treasureBox.goldBox.interval', '检查间隔', config.interval, { tag: 'input', help: '设定多久检查一次宝箱抽奖单位为分钟,默认为60', corrector: v => v > 1 ? v : 60, attribute: { type: 'number', placeholder: '单位为分钟,默认为60', min: 1, max: 1440 } }); BLUL.Config.addItem('treasureBox.goldBox.ignoreKeywords', '忽略关键字', config.ignoreKeywords.join(','), { tag: 'input', help: '忽略含有以下关键字的抽奖,用英文逗号隔开', attribute: { type: 'text' } }); BLUL.Config.onload(() => { config.treasureBox = BLUL.Config.get('treasureBox'); config.silverBox = BLUL.Config.get('treasureBox.silverBox'); config.goldBox = BLUL.Config.get('treasureBox.goldBox'); config.aid = BLUL.Config.get('treasureBox.goldBox.aid'); config.interval = BLUL.Config.get('treasureBox.goldBox.interval'); config.ignoreKeywords = BLUL.Config.get('treasureBox.goldBox.ignoreKeywords').split(',').map(v => v.trim()); }); }); BLUL.onrun(run); BLUL.TreasureBox = { run, silverBox: { silverBox, setTip, timing }, goldBox: { goldBox, joinActivity, draw } }; BLUL.debug('Module Loaded: TreasureBox', BLUL.TreasureBox); return BLUL.TreasureBox; } ; if (typeof exports !== "undefined") return exports;
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TypeError: Cannot read property 'postIMPORT' of undefined
const NAME = '宝箱'; const config = { treasureBox: false, silverBox: false, goldBox: false, aid: 626, interval: 60, ignoreKeywords: ['test', 'encrypt', '测试', '钓鱼', '加密', '炸鱼'] }; const exports = async function (importModule, BLUL, GM) { await BLUL.addResource('tfjs', ['https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@tensorflow/[email protected]/dist/tf.min.js']); await BLUL.addResource('TreasureBox_Model', ['https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/SeaLoong/BLRHH/models/treasurebox_captcha/model.json', 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SeaLoong/BLRHH/dev/models/treasurebox_captcha/model.json']); const Util = BLUL.Util; const worker = await BLUL.Worker.importModule('TreasureBox/worker'); let tipElement; let timerElement; const canvas = $('')[0]; const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); let loadImageResolveFn; const image = new Image(120, 40); image.onload = () => { if (loadImageResolveFn) { loadImageResolveFn(); loadImageResolveFn = null; } }; function loadImage (url) { const promise = new Promise(resolve => (loadImageResolveFn = resolve)); image.src = url; return promise; } function setTip (html) { return tipElement && tipElement.html(html); } function timing (time) { if (!timerElement) return; if (timerElement.interval) { clearInterval(timerElement.interval); timerElement.interval = null; } time = Math.ceil(time); if (time <= 0) return; return new Promise(resolve => { timerElement.html(time); timerElement.show(); timerElement.interval = setInterval(() => { if (--time <= 0) { clearInterval(timerElement.interval); timerElement.interval = null; timerElement.hide(); resolve(); } else { timerElement.html(time); } }, 1e3); }); } let silverBoxData; const NAME_SILVER_BOX = NAME + '-银瓜子宝箱'; async function silverBox () { BLUL.debug('TreasureBox.silverBox'); try { const response = await BLUL.Request.fetch('https://api.live.bilibili.com/lottery/v1/SilverBox/getCurrentTask'); const obj = await response.json(); if (obj.code === 0) { silverBoxData = obj.data; setTip(`次数
${silverBoxData.silver}`); BLUL.Logger.info(NAME_SILVER_BOX, `任务:${silverBoxData.minute} 分钟, ${silverBoxData.silver} 银瓜子, 次数 ${silverBoxData.times}/${silverBoxData.max_times}`); await timing(silverBoxData.time_end - Date.now() / 1000 + 1); return silverBoxAward(); } else if (obj.code === -10017) { // 今天所有的宝箱已经#完! setTip('今日
已#完'); BLUL.Logger.info(NAME_SILVER_BOX, obj.message); return Util.cancelRetry(silverBox); } else if (obj.code === -500) { // 请先登录! setTip('请先
登录'); BLUL.Logger.warn(NAME_SILVER_BOX, obj.message); return Util.cancelRetry(silverBox); } BLUL.Logger.warn(NAME_SILVER_BOX, obj.message); } catch (error) { BLUL.Logger.error(NAME_SILVER_BOX, error); } return Util.retry(silverBox); } async function silverBoxAward () { BLUL.debug('TreasureBox.silverBoxAward'); try { let response = await BLUL.Request.fetch('https://api.live.bilibili.com/lottery/v1/SilverBox/getCaptcha?ts=' + Date.now()); let obj = await response.json(); await loadImage(obj.data.img); ctx.drawImage(image, 0, 0); const captcha = await worker.predict(ctx.getImageData(0, 0, image.width, image.height)); const r###lt = (0, eval)(captcha); // eslint-disable-line no-eval BLUL.debug('验证码识别结果: ', `${captcha}=${r###lt}`); response = await BLUL.Request.fetch({ url: 'https://api.live.bilibili.com/lottery/v1/SilverBox/getAward', search: { time_start: silverBoxData.time_start, end_time: silverBoxData.time_end, captcha: r###lt } }); obj = await response.json(); switch (obj.code) { case 0: BLUL.Logger.success(NAME_SILVER_BOX, `#取了 ${obj.data.awardSilver} 银瓜子`); Util.cancelRetry(silverBoxAward); return silverBox(); case -903: // -903: 已经#取过这个宝箱 case -500: // -500:#取时间未到, 请稍后再试 Util.cancelRetry(silverBoxAward); return silverBox(); case -800: // -800:未绑定手机 case 1001: setTip('未绑定
手机'); BLUL.Logger.warn(NAME_SILVER_BOX, '未绑定手机,不能#取银瓜子'); return Util.cancelRetry(silverBoxAward); case 400: // 400: 访问被拒绝 setTip('访问
被拒绝'); BLUL.Logger.error(NAME_SILVER_BOX, obj.message); return Util.cancelRetry(silverBoxAward); case -902: // -902: 验证码错误 case -901: // -901: 验证码过期 BLUL.Logger.info(NAME_SILVER_BOX, obj.message); Util.cancelRetry(silverBoxAward); break; default: BLUL.Logger.warn(NAME_SILVER_BOX, obj.message); } } catch (error) { BLUL.Logger.error(NAME_SILVER_BOX, error); } return Util.retry(silverBoxAward); } const NAME_GOLD_BOX = NAME + '-金宝箱'; const aidStatusMap = new Map(); async function goldBox () { BLUL.debug('TreasureBox.goldBox'); BLUL.Logger.info(NAME_GOLD_BOX, '正在检查可参加的宝箱抽奖'); let aid = config.aid; const step = 8; let l = 0; while (aid > l) { if (await joinActivity(aid)) { l = Math.max(l, aid); aid += Math.floor(step); } else { aid--; } } config.aid = aid; await BLUL.Config.set('treasureBox.goldBox.aid', config.aid); aidStatusMap.clear(); } function joinActivity (aid) { return (async function tryJoin () { if (aidStatusMap.has(aid)) return aidStatusMap.get(aid); BLUL.debug('TreasureBox.joinActivity'); try { const r = await BLUL.Request.fetch({ url: 'https://api.live.bilibili.com/xlive/lottery-interface/v2/Box/getStatus?aid=' + aid, referrer: 'https://live.bilibili.com/p/html/live-room-treasurebox/index.html?aid=' + aid }); const obj = await r.json(); if (obj.code !== 0) { BLUL.Logger.warn(NAME_GOLD_BOX, obj.message); aidStatusMap.set(aid, false); return false; } if (!obj.data) { aidStatusMap.set(aid, false); return false; } let joinTime = 0; const title = obj.data.title; if (config.ignoreKeywords.some(v => title.includes(v))) { BLUL.Logger.info(NAME_GOLD_BOX, `忽略抽奖: ${title}(aid=${aid})`); } else { for (const o of obj.data.typeB) { if (o.status === 0 || o.status === -1) { const names = []; for (const g of o.list) { names.push(g.jp_name); } joinTime = Math.max(joinTime, o.join_end_time); draw(aid, o.round_num, o.startTime, o.join_start_time, o.join_end_time, title, ...names); } } } Util.cancelRetry(tryJoin); const rt = joinTime * 1e3 <= Date.now(); aidStatusMap.set(aid, rt); return rt; } catch (error) { BLUL.Logger.error(NAME_GOLD_BOX, `aid=${aid}`, error); } return Util.retry(tryJoin); })(); } /* eslint-disable camelcase */ const drawMap = new Map(); function draw (aid, number, startTime, join_start_time, join_end_time, title, ...names) { if (!drawMap.has(aid)) drawMap.set(aid, new Set()); const set = drawMap.get(aid); if (set.has(number)) return; set.add(number); async function timeoutDraw () { BLUL.debug('TreasureBox.draw.timeoutDraw'); try { const r = await BLUL.Request.fetch({ url: 'https://api.live.bilibili.com/xlive/lottery-interface/v2/Box/draw', search: { aid, number }, referrer: 'https://live.bilibili.com/p/html/live-room-treasurebox/index.html?aid=' + aid }); const obj = await r.json(); if (obj.code === 0) { BLUL.Logger.success(NAME_GOLD_BOX, '已参加抽奖: ' + title, '奖品:', ...names); setTimeout(timeoutEnd, (join_end_time + 5) * 1e3 - Date.now()); Util.cancelRetry(timeoutDraw); } else if (obj.message.includes('未开始')) { return Util.retry(timeoutDraw); } else { BLUL.Logger.warn(NAME_GOLD_BOX, obj.message); } } catch (error) { BLUL.Logger.error(NAME_GOLD_BOX, `aid=${aid},number=${number}`, error); return Util.retry(timeoutDraw); } } async function timeoutEnd () { BLUL.debug('TreasureBox.draw.timeoutEnd'); try { const r = await BLUL.Request.fetch({ url: 'https://api.live.bilibili.com/xlive/lottery-interface/v2/Box/getWinnerGroupInfo', search: { aid, number }, referrer: 'https://live.bilibili.com/p/html/live-room-treasurebox/index.html?aid=' + aid }); const obj = await r.json(); if (obj.code === 0) { if (!obj.data.groups) { return Util.retry(timeoutEnd); } for (const gift of obj.data.groups) { const arr = []; for (const u of gift.list) { arr.push(u.uid + ' ' + u.uname); } BLUL.Logger.info(NAME_GOLD_BOX, '奖品: ' + gift.giftTitle, '中奖人:', ...arr); } Util.cancelRetry(timeoutEnd); } else { BLUL.Logger.warn(NAME_GOLD_BOX, obj.message); } } catch (error) { BLUL.Logger.error(NAME_GOLD_BOX, `aid=${aid},number=${number}`, error); return Util.retry(timeoutEnd); } } const t = (join_start_time + 3) * 1e3 - Date.now(); if (t > 0) { BLUL.Logger.info(NAME_GOLD_BOX, '等待参加: ' + title, '开始时间: ' + startTime, '奖品: ', ...names); } setTimeout(timeoutDraw, t); } /* eslint-enable camelcase */ async function run () { if (!config.treasureBox) return; BLUL.debug('TreasureBox.run'); (async function runSilverBox () { if (!config.treasureBox || !config.silverBox) return; if (!tipElement && !timerElement && !$('.draw-box.gift-left-part').length) { const box = $('#gift-control-vm div.treasure-box.p-relative').first(); box.attr('id', 'old_treasure_box'); box.hide(); const cssTreasureBox = `${BLUL.NAME}-treasure-box`; const cssTreasureBoxText = `${BLUL.NAME}-treasure-box-text`; await GM.addStyle(` .${cssTreasureBox} { position: relative; min-width: 46px; display: inline-block; float: left; padding: 22px 0 0 15px; } .${cssTreasureBoxText} { text-align: center; user-select: none; max-width: 40px; padding: 2px 4px; margin-top: 3px; font-size: 12px; color: #fff; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.5); border-radius: 10px; } `); const div = $(`
`); tipElement = $(`
`); timerElement = $(`
`); timerElement.hide(); box.after(div); div.append(tipElement); tipElement.after(timerElement); } /* eslint-disable camelcase */ if (!BLUL.INFO?.InfoByUser?.info || BLUL.INFO.InfoByUser.info.mobile_verify) { setTip('自动
#取中'); await worker.loadModel(await BLUL.getResourceUrl('TreasureBox_Model')); await silverBox(); } else { setTip('未绑定
手机'); BLUL.Logger.warn(NAME_SILVER_BOX, '未绑定手机,不能#取银瓜子'); } /* eslint-enable camelcase */ Util.callAtTime(runSilverBox); })(); (async function runGoldBox () { if (!config.treasureBox || !config.goldBox) return; /* eslint-disable camelcase */ if (!BLUL.INFO?.InfoByUser?.info || BLUL.INFO.InfoByUser.info.mobile_verify) { await goldBox(); } else { BLUL.Logger.warn(NAME_SILVER_BOX, '未绑定手机,不能参加宝箱抽奖'); } /* eslint-enable camelcase */ setTimeout(runGoldBox, config.interval * 60e3); })(); } BLUL.onupgrade(async () => { await BLUL.Config.set('treasureBox.goldBox.aid', config.aid); }); BLUL.oninit(() => { BLUL.Config.addItem('treasureBox', NAME, config.treasureBox, { tag: 'input', attribute: { type: 'checkbox' } }); BLUL.Config.addItem('treasureBox.silverBox', '银瓜子宝箱', config.silverBox, { tag: 'input', help: '#取银瓜子宝箱,需要绑定手机才能正常使用', attribute: { type: 'checkbox' } }); BLUL.Config.addItem('treasureBox.goldBox', '金宝箱', config.silverBox, { tag: 'input', help: '参加金宝箱抽奖(即实物抽奖),需要绑定手机才能正常使用', attribute: { type: 'checkbox' } }); BLUL.Config.addItem('treasureBox.goldBox.aid', 'aid', config.aid, { tag: 'input', help: '此项只用于存储和显示数据', attribute: { type: 'number', readonly: true } }); BLUL.Config.addItem('treasureBox.goldBox.interval', '检查间隔', config.interval, { tag: 'input', help: '设定多久检查一次宝箱抽奖
单位为分钟,默认为60', corrector: v => v > 1 ? v : 60, attribute: { type: 'number', placeholder: '单位为分钟,默认为60', min: 1, max: 1440 } }); BLUL.Config.addItem('treasureBox.goldBox.ignoreKeywords', '忽略关键字', config.ignoreKeywords.join(','), { tag: 'input', help: '忽略含有以下关键字的抽奖,用英文逗号隔开', attribute: { type: 'text' } }); BLUL.Config.onload(() => { config.treasureBox = BLUL.Config.get('treasureBox'); config.silverBox = BLUL.Config.get('treasureBox.silverBox'); config.goldBox = BLUL.Config.get('treasureBox.goldBox'); config.aid = BLUL.Config.get('treasureBox.goldBox.aid'); config.interval = BLUL.Config.get('treasureBox.goldBox.interval'); config.ignoreKeywords = BLUL.Config.get('treasureBox.goldBox.ignoreKeywords').split(',').map(v => v.trim()); }); }); BLUL.onrun(run); BLUL.TreasureBox = { run, silverBox: { silverBox, setTip, timing }, goldBox: { goldBox, joinActivity, draw } }; BLUL.debug('Module Loaded: TreasureBox', BLUL.TreasureBox); return BLUL.TreasureBox; } ; if (typeof exports !== "undefined") return exports;