Highlights User-defined Text
< Feedback on Text Highlighter - Dynamic
I'm glad I could help. This actually wasn't my script originally and it uses some techniques I don't fully understand, so it's hard for me to make significant changes without diving in and spending a lot of time...
Is the main problem that different words need different colors? Currently, as you can see, there is only one highlight style for the entire list of words. An alternate approach that I think would work with this script would be to have a separate list of words for each style rule, but setting that up will require some UI changes. It also could lead to some weird r###lts if there is a word-within-a-word match...
Not sure how soon I could work on this.
Yes, a separate list of words for different style rules would be terrific! I should mention tho that one benefit of separate scripts is that each can be set for different include and exclude pages, so having that option for each style rule would be nice too.
Thanx for your help, Jefferson!
I will mention 1 bug in this script because I've cloned it 3 times. If I accidentally put the same keyword in 2 of my Text Highlighter clones, the webpage will never finish loading and I will have to end task firefox. Other than that, I still think this script is great!
I have not tested the new version with a keyword list as long as yours, but if you're willing to give it a try, see: https://greasyfork.org/en/forum/discussion/6045/new-beta-version-available-for-testing
Update (Oct. 11, 2015): To avoid disrupting users of this version of the script, I decided to move the beta code over to a new script. That is: Text Highlight and Seek.
Great script!
I love this script! The "dynamic" nature makes it work on pages that are created for me when I load them, like tv schedules and e-mail inboxes. so I'm using it to mark episodes of tv shows seen--when i used a regular highlighter script, the found text would only be highlighted when it was in the same location on the page. I had to highlight the show title when it was 4 hours away, 3 hours away, 2 hours away, &c.
I even cloned this script twice, changing all the ??mo-named variables from THmo to TVmo and then to FFmo, so I could highlight different things in different colors. (I cloned it a 3rd time but i must have done something wrong, the page would never finish loading and I'd have to end-task Firefox. Too bad I dont really know anything about javascript.)
I worried the list of tv episodes keywords would get too long, but hasn't yet, at 1,800 characters! So if the author would like to develop a fork of this script along these lines, I would love it! As it is, I'm a big fan, making it work!