Utility library for Rotten Tomatoes. Provides an API for grabbing info from rottentomatoes.com
สคริปต์นี้ไม่ควรถูกติดตั้งโดยตรง มันเป็นคลังสำหรับสคริปต์อื่น ๆ เพื่อบรรจุด้วยคำสั่งเมทา // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/389810/959077/RottenTomatoes%20Utility%20Library%20%28custom%20API%29.js
getRtIdFromTitle(title[, tv[, year]])
title: title of the movie or show to search for
tv: is it a TV show? (default: false)
year: year it was published (optional)
id: RottenTomatoes ID (e.g. "/m/serenity")
score: Tomatometer rating (e.g. 78%)
rating: Average numerical rating from critics, out of 10
votes: Number of critics counted
consensus: Blurb describing critics' consensus
state: "rotten", "fresh, "certified_fresh", or not defined
topScore: Tomatometer rating from only "top" critics (e.g. 78%)
topRating: Average numerical rating from only "top" critics, out of 10
topVotes: Number of "top" critics counted
year: Release year according to RottenTomatoes
fetched: Date object of when data was fetched (now)
getRtInfoFromTitle(title[, tv[, year]])
title: title of the movie or show to search for
tv: is it a TV show? (default: false)
year: year it was published (optional)
getRtInfoFromTitle('serenity', false, 2005);
{ "id": "/m/serenity", "score": 83, "rating": 7.17, "votes": 185, "consensus": "Snappy dialogue and goofy characters make this Wild Wild West soap opera in space fun and adventurous.", "state": "certified_fresh", "topScore": 85, "topRating": 7.03, "topVotes": 40, "year": 2005, "fetched": "2019-09-06T02:39:37.017Z" }
getRtInfoFromTitle('my hero academia', true, 2016);
{ "id": "/tv/my_hero_academia", "score": 100, "rating": 8.67, "votes": 9, "consensus": null, "state": "fresh", "topScore": null, "topRating": null, "topVotes": null, "year": 2016, "fetched": "2019-09-06T02:35:29.336Z" }