YouTube Thumbnails - Full Video Thumbnails for YouTube JS - Shows complete video thumbnails for YouTube videos. You can click a thumbnail image to jump to that point in the video.
IMDb Face Cake - Get a better look at actor images! JS - Make people's faces larger when you hover over their names on IMDb movie and show pages
IMDb Gallery Expander JS - Expand the images on imdb gallery pages without having to visit each individual image page.
Adventure Gamers gallery expander JS - Expands all the thumbnails in Adventure Gamers screenshot galleries so that you don't have to visit each screenshot's page.
ESPN NBA Old-style Box Scores JS - Change box score links on ESPN's NBA site to redirect to the old style box scores that show more information.
Pogdesign TV Calendar Tweaks JS - Compact everything and fix display of shows on current day
YouTube, Filter Videos List JS - Filter the videos listed on a YouTube channel's videos page. Click "FILTER VIDEOS" next to "PLAY ALL" at the top of the videos list, then enter the string to search for. Start your entry with '!' to show only videos that DON'T contain that string.
YouTube, Load More Videos JS - Load more videos onto a YouTube channel's videos page without having to scroll. Click the "LOAD MORE" button next to "PLAY ALL" at the top of the video list to be prompted for the number of additional pages of videos to load. If you don't see the button, reload the page.
Goodreads, show only the "primary works" in a series on series pages JS - Add a checkbox to Goodreads' book series pages that allows you to hide books that aren't part of the core series/primary works (#0.1, #3.5, etc).
Steam one-click remove from wishlist JS - Allows you to remove an item from your Steam wishlist with one click on the "On Wishlist" button on the game's store page.
IMDb Actor Age redux JS - Display the actor's age next to movie credits.
Netflix display IMDb ratings JS - Add a display of IMDb ratings below movie and show titles while browsing Netflix.
IMDb display RottenTomatoes info: redux JS - Display RottenTomatoes Tomatometer rating info on IMDb pages
Steam Filter Games by Geforce NOW Availability/Compatibility JS - Adds a button to Steam Community games list pages (https://steamcommunity.com/id/<user_id>/games/?tab=all) that will filter out all games that are not supported by Geforce NOW, leaving only supported games visible.
Instagram full-size media scroll wall JS - Creates a scrollable wall of full-size images from any user's instagram page, "tagged" page, or the instagram homepage. Just click the "Load Images" button at the top of the list of images/posts.
HumbleBundle show "choose where your money goes" sliders JS - A quick fix for Humble hiding the sliders to choose where your money goes
RottenTomatoes Utility Library (custom API) JS (คลัง) - Utility library for Rotten Tomatoes. Provides an API for grabbing info from rottentomatoes.com
IMDb Utility Library (API) JS (คลัง) - Utility library for the Internet Movie Database. Provides an API for grabbing info from IMDb.com