
Bypass FileCrypt

Bypass FileCrypt and get the original link!

< Feedback on Bypass FileCrypt


Posted: 24-02-2025

I noticed that the links are clickable, but if I do right button on a single decrypted link, it is not possible to make the simple copy (link), it does not appear.
So if I have to copy a single link I must first select it. Is it a correctible thing?

Posted: 24-02-2025

Hi, I've added this function in the last update, please update the script and right click on the link to copy it.
If you don't want to see the notification every time you copy a link, just comment out the last line:
alert("Link copied: "+e.target.innerText);
//alert("Link copied: "+e.target.innerText);

Posted: 25-02-2025

Hi, I've added this function in the last update, please update the script and right click on the link to copy it.
If you don't want to see the notification every time you copy a link, just comment out the last line:
alert("Link copied: "+e.target.innerText);
//alert("Link copied: "+e.target.innerText);

Very good function, the automatic copy, I didn't expect so much. But it has a contraindication.
If select more than a file (for example everyone) and click right button to select the copy, the contextual menu not appears there and just a single link is copied.

Posted: 25-02-2025

Hi Gabriele,
you can select all and then do CTRL+C and CTRL+V

Posted: 25-02-2025

Hi Gabriele,
you can select all and then do CTRL+C and CTRL+V

Yes, so I did, I only reported the contraindication

Posted: 08-03-2025
Edited: 08-03-2025

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