Hide subreddits, remove promoted links, see full image actually shows the full image, html5 video player, remove background effects, copy video adress
It's all photoshop. You got me. I told these thousands of downloads to pretend we got something going here :(
It's all photoshop. You got me. I told these thousands of downloads to pretend we got something going here :(
Calm your tits bro. I just meant that maybe recent updates broke it or something
the problem is on your end if you want some help state anything actually useful instead of saying "no work bad" didn't yo mama teach you anything?
the problem is on your end if you want some help state anything actually useful instead of saying "no work bad" didn't yo mama teach you anything?
I did state "anything useful". See: "Tried in both Chrome and Firefox, with Tempermonkey, ViolentMonkey and Greasemonkey ... I dont use any other script. I disabled uBlock Origin ..."
I wouldn't give feedback if I knew you were going to cry. Whatever, I'll build an extension myself.
Tried in both Chrome and Firefox, with Tempermonkey, ViolentMonkey and Greasemonkey but it doesnt work. I dont use any other script. I disabled uBlock Origin too but still didn't work. No custom menu, no html5 player, no new image viewer, nothing. Idk why