Hide subreddits, remove promoted links, see full image actually shows the full image, html5 video player, remove background effects, copy video adress
Hey man, thank you.
I'm not sure if i see immediately how to do that cause the recent section doesn't show custom feeds as is. So i guess you mean the subs within a custom feed to not show in recent. I would need to find a way to access what subs are in a custom feed. If i find a solution i'll implement it, but i need to think first how to get the subs.
Sorry for late replay i didn't see your comment.
You are welcome.
Thank you for the response!
I'm still a very happy user of your userscript, and don't understand the fuss going on in the comments. Don't let it bother you, please.
My favorite part of your userscript in still to hide the custom feeds, but in relation to that, I'd like to propose a new option.
It would be great that there was an option so that the feeds that's in the custom feeds section, would also be hidden from the Recent section. Perhaps filtered depending on if the custom feeds are visible or not.