Puts a game-specific IsThereAnyDeal link to the game pages on Epic Games Store
Clicking the button opens the game's page on IsThereAnyDeal*
The right page is found automatically in the background using a custom google search. You will not see it happen. As far as you will see, the right page should just pop up.
The method used is usually accurate, however, you should pay some attention to what page is opened. The wrong page may be opened if:
If you wish, you can change an option in the Tampermonkey menu so that the button opens the ITAD search r###lts page instead.
This is 100% reliable and will skip the less reliable (though mostly accurate anyway) automatic background process explained above.
Currently, the ITAD button is only added to the top of the page below the "View Offers" button. So no separate buttons for different editions or addons/DLC/what have you, unless you open the separate page for that edition/DLC.