Youtube - Fix channel links in sidebar recommendations JS - Fixes the channel links for the "Up next" and recommended videos below it on youtube.
IMDb Youtube Trailer Button JS - Youtube trailers on imdb
Vimeo video buttons above description JS - Adds the video buttons from the video overlay to above the description
Wider PCGamesN JS - Makes the PCGamesN site wrapper and content wider (custom width)
Export Youtube Playlist in plaintext JS - Shows a list of the playlist video names/channels/URLs in plaintext to be easily copied
Addic7ed - Dark theme CSS - Dark theme for Addic7ed.com
IsThereAnyDeal game-specific links on EpicGames Store JS - Puts a game-specific IsThereAnyDeal link to the game pages on Epic Games Store
Twitch Chat User Highlight JS - Highlights messages by user, on username or @username click
Firebase authentication console - Remove all users on page JS - Automates removing all users (one page) in the Firebase authentication console
Foodora - Highlight items (EN|FI|+) JS - Highlight items on Foodora (fantasy / fantasia highlighted by default) (EN|FI|+)
Reddit - Big Card View CSS - Makes the card view on Reddit bigger
Trakt VIP Adblocker CSS - Removes VIP ads from Trakt
Reddit - Big Card View JS - Makes the card view on Reddit bigger and improves ways content is displayed to go along with that.
Simple WaitForKeyElement JS (คลัง) - Library that Exports my simplified vanilla JS version of WaitForKeyElement, which is a simple async function that returns a Promise that resolves to an element by a given selector, when that element is found
DeindentTemplateLiteralString JS (คลัง) - Exports a simple function that can be passed a template literal. It strips code indentation from it while preserving intended indentation, by stripping out the smallest indent every line has in common.