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Posted: 13-11-2014
Edited: 13-11-2014

4chan X catalog problem

After the latest update, sometimes text only gets partially linkified.

Edited title because it doesn't seem to happen with the default catalog.

I'm using https://github.com/ccd0/4chan-x

Posted: 14-11-2014

Should be fixed at version 3.0.5.

I forgot to add word boundary in regular expression so every <span> elements were filtered out when filtering <a> elements.

Posted: 14-11-2014

Looks like it's still happening for me :(
I don't get any errors in console but this is what it shows in inspect element.


1st - Default catalog
2nd - 4chan X catalog when it only partially linkifies
3rd - 4chan X catalog when it works as intended

Posted: 14-11-2014

I've installed 4chan X. Could you post the page URL and your 4chan X settings?

Seems like the wbr issue again. But I have no idea how it happened.

Posted: 14-11-2014
Edited: 14-11-2014

From the default settings, enable "Use 4chan X Catalog".

If it isn't in catalog view, click catalog and search for "http". You'll know it's using 4chan X's catalog because the search box is on the left and there's no /catalog in the url.
Try refreshing a few times if you don't get the problem.

Posted: 15-11-2014

Fixed at version 3.1.0. :D

Posted: 15-11-2014

Cool thx ^^

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