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Posted: 17-09-2014

Misdetection on nodejs.org/docs

The header for fs.watch seems to get wrongly detected as a link and mispositioned:


Posted: 17-09-2014

I have a strange feeling that .watch might be a tld.

Posted: 18-09-2014

Yes it is. :)

Fixed at version 2.3.18. Added h1...h6 tags into ignore list.

Posted: 18-09-2014

Thanks, but wouldn't it be better to remove some of these exotic tld's until they gain at least some traction? That way, you'd need less hacks than this :)

Posted: 19-02-2015

I came across a page which had an URL in a header-tag, and it wasn't linkified, example: http://jsfiddle.net/x50rkr9d/1/

Checking the link of OP, and now fs.watch is in a span instead of a <h*>-tag, so that workaround isn't helping anymore.

I also noticed a lot of wrongfully linkified phrases elsewhere, mainly because almost every phrase is a TLD these days. ;)

I don't think ignoring tags is going to help with false-positive detection considering the ridiculous amount of valid TLDs.

Posted: 20-02-2015

Currently, the TLDs are generated from:

Maybe we can sort these TLDs by their popularity, and create different set like "common", "uncommon", "never-used", let user chose which set of TLDs to use.

I'm thinking we can use google to get the frequency of occurrence (Query like "site:.com"), or use the table from ISC.

This should be in next major update. :P

BTW, fs.watch in node.js doc doesn't get linkified in my firefox. Could you put a screenshot or something? It might be another issue.

Posted: 20-02-2015

Funny, it's only linkified because I still had nodejs.org on the NoScript-blacklist.
When JS is allowed for nodejs.org, fs.watch is not linkified.

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