< Feedback on บายพาส ทั้งหมด ลิงค์สั้น
Another suggestion
this code streamlines the process of reporting an issue by automatically including relevant information that may help resolve the problem. It opens the feedback page and pre-fills it with the script's version, user settings, and a prompt to describe the issue.
const menuCommandId = GM_registerMenuCommand(
"Report Problem",
function(event) {
GM_openInTab(reportUrl, false);
accessKey: "a",
autoClose: true
if (location.href === reportUrl) {
const configKey = _MonkeyConfig_Bypass_Version_${GM_info.script.version.replace('.', '_')}_Settings___cfg;
let config = JSON.parse(GM_getValue(configKey));
delete config.Announcements;
delete config.ApiKey;
const feedbackElement = document.getElementById('discussion_comments_attributes_0_text');
if (feedbackElement) {
feedbackElement.value = ${GM_info.scriptHandler} ${GM_info.script.version}\nMy Settings: ${JSON.stringify(config, null, 2)}\n// Add your problem description here:\n;
Another suggestion
this code streamlines the process of reporting an issue by automatically including relevant information that may help resolve the problem. It opens the feedback page and pre-fills it with the script's version, user settings, and a prompt to describe the issue.
const menuCommandId = GM_registerMenuCommand(
"Report Problem",
function(event) {
GM_openInTab(reportUrl, false);
accessKey: "a",
autoClose: true
if (location.href === reportUrl) {
const configKey = _MonkeyConfig_Bypass_Version_${GM_info.script.version.replace('.', '_')}_Settings___cfg;
let config = JSON.parse(GM_getValue(configKey));
delete config.Announcements;
delete config.ApiKey;
const feedbackElement = document.getElementById('discussion_comments_attributes_0_text');
if (feedbackElement) {
feedbackElement.value = ${GM_info.scriptHandler} ${GM_info.script.version}\nMy Settings: ${JSON.stringify(config, null, 2)}\n// Add your problem description here:\n;
the website removed the full link, but the intended URL for reportUrl refers to this site with the addition of scripts/431691/feedback#post-discussion.
Thank you for your suggestion , long time we have no conversation , how are you ? please check your Recent conversations
Here’s a suggested tool that could help:
The tool runs all short links and provides feedback on which ones are working and which are not. You only need to define the links once, and you can check them anytime to manage or remove codes that are no longer functional. It also helps you identify which codes work better in Chrome versus Firefox, and allows you to test your code across different extensions, adjusting it to work optimally with each one. to make it work optimally, you’ll likely need to add a CAPTCHA-solving extension as well.
const { Builder } = require('selenium-webdriver');
const chrome = require('selenium-webdriver/chrome');
const firefox = require('selenium-webdriver/firefox');
const path = require('path');
const testCases = [
shortUrl: 'https://google.com/', //exapmle of good website
expectedFinalUrl: 'https://www.google.com/',
expectedTimeSec: 5,
shortUrl: 'https://google.com/', // exapmle of bad website
expectedFinalUrl: 'https://google.com/',
expectedTimeSec: 5,
function configureBrowserWithTampermonkey(browser) {
const options = browser === 'firefox' ? new firefox.Options() : new chrome.Options();
//You can use tampermonkey or any other extension. It's a good idea to test with a few extensions to check which one works best in different scenarios and accordingly improve the code so that it works well in all extensions.
if (browser === 'chrome') {
const tampermonkeyPath = path.resolve('/path/to/tampermonkey.crx');
} else if (browser === 'firefox') {
// options.headless = true
const tampermonkeyPath = path.resolve('/path/to/tampermonkey.xpi');
return options;
async function testBypass(browser = 'chrome') {
const options = configureBrowserWithTampermonkey(browser);
let driver;
try {
driver = await new Builder()
.setChromeOptions(browser === 'chrome' ? options : null)
.setFirefoxOptions(browser === 'firefox' ? options : null)
// You can also implement code to automatically click the install button, enabling the code to run in headless mode.
await driver.get('https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/431691/Bypass%20All%20Shortlinks.user.js');
await driver.sleep(10000);
for (const { shortUrl, expectedFinalUrl, expectedTimeSec } of testCases) {
await driver.get(shortUrl);
await driver.sleep(expectedTimeSec * 1000);
const finalUrl = await driver.getCurrentUrl();
if (expectedFinalUrl == finalUrl) continue;
console.log(`${shortUrl} -> ${expectedFinalUrl}: The site could not be bypassed within the given time. It might not be working anymore. Please check the website.`);
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error: ${error}`);
} finally {
if (driver) {
await driver.quit();