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Please add this web https://yeumoney.com/0MYkpnMD
I tried doing something with this before.
It's difficult to add because when you try to search for the requested item, it doesn't appear on any page at all. I think it's only displayed in specific regions or countries, so it's not easy to write code for it.
If someone does have access to this website, the best way I can think of to bypass it is by writing a script that searches for the term, saves all the links, and then automatically opens them one by one until the correct link is found.
Someone sent me ### details so I could check
With it, I managed to find several websites (though not all of them yet)
If you know of any other sites, send me the link, and I'll add them
the code is in my profile
Please add this web https://yeumoney.com/0MYkpnMD