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Youtube Fullscreen Mode

Automatically switch YouTube screens to 100 height and 100 width screens.

< Feedback on Youtube Fullscreen Mode

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 16-12-2024
Edited: 16-12-2024

I had to fix the isTheatherMode function like this

function isTheaterMode() {
let scrollbarWidth = window.innerWidth - document.querySelector('ytd-app')?.offsetWidth;
let playerWidth = document.querySelector('#ytd-player')?.offsetWidth;
let chatWidth = (!document.querySelector('ytd-live-chat-frame').attributes.collapsed && document.querySelector('ytd-live-chat-frame')?.offsetWidth) || 0;
let isWidePlayer = scrollbarWidth + playerWidth + chatWidth === window.innerWidth;
return (isWatchPage() && isWidePlayer);

by adding the check if the live chat was not collapsed

please update

Posted: 17-12-2024

How did you collocated the YouTube chat window?
Isn't it a property added by external extension?

Posted: 18-12-2024

by adding the check if the live chat was not collapsed

please update

You were right, I'd updated. Thanks a lot!


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