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[TS] Linx Amender

Generic tracking/redirection/open-in-new-tab removal; Amend page title; URL redirector; and more power functionality. Has rules for Pixiv, deviantArt, twitter, youtube, blogger, Batota etc.

< Feedback on [TS] Linx Amender

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 15-03-2015

scripts not applied to background tabs

scripts are not always applied to tabs when loaded in the background (Shift+Click on Windows)

for example, i have a simple attrib script to remove the outgoing link redirects frow kickass.to to http://blankrefer.com/ and it works fine, except when i load the tabs in the background

example: https://kickass.to/wild-2014-720p-brrip-x264-yify-t10343307.html
IMDb link: 2305051

when tab is loaded in the foreground, IMDb link: 2305051 points to:

when it is loaded in the background, the link points to:

ff 36.0.1
gm 3.0b1
tsla 3.0.25

Posted: 17-03-2015

I've been trying to reproduce this and for me it works fine.

You need to upgrade you GM to version 3. I hope that fixes the issue.

What is tsla?

Posted: 17-03-2015

i installed gm 3.1 as soon as i became aware of it, but that doesn't cure the problem - i wasn't sure if the issue is due to your script or GM - you seem to imply GM and so i apologize for pointing my finger in the wrong direction

tsla = [TS] Linx Amender ... LOL

Posted: 17-03-2015

Duh :)

It could be but it is hard to tell without direct access. Sometimes LA does not run and to fix it all I have to do is a refresh. As yet, I do not understand why it happens, but it's does not occur that often.

Is it a GM issue, hard to tell.

Is it regular on yours? Can you paste the rule and give me a step by step direction with links, see if I can reproduce it on my end.

Posted: 17-03-2015

i forgot how to export a rule, but it's a simple attrib rule:
site: @https://kickass.to/
node selector: a
search: http://blankrefer.com/\?
replace is empty

then open this link in a foreground tab and also a background tab:

look for: IMDb link: 2305051
in the foreground tab, the target should be:

in the background tab, the target is not cleaned:

Posted: 18-03-2015

I assume the rule's attribute name is "href". To export you select and then press the "Copy Rules" button. I really need to write up a guide on day.

I tried it in over a dozen tabs and in all of them it worked. I even opened several at the same time and each one worked. Do you have any odd scripts or extensions that run on the site?

How regularly does it occur with you?

(FYI: I have include your rule on the online rules)

Posted: 18-03-2015

i disabled all other scripts and extensions and can reproduce the issue 100% of the time

i didn't see the rule on the on-line rules (checked from within LA)

let me do some more troubleshooting and see what i can come up with...

Posted: 18-03-2015
Edited: 18-03-2015

ah, i see the kickass.to on-line rule now - maybe a browser restart was necessary

might want to add in the description that it's probably not a good idea to use that rule unless the user is doing something to set the referrer

i'll get back to you with more on this topic in... a while :)

Posted: 18-03-2015
Edited: 18-03-2015

i found the cause, but i'm afraid to say cause you're gonna be mad :)

i use a special build of FF - pcxFirefox - and he introduced a memory tweak that caused the problem, although it seems to be specific to LA and not GM in general - for example, i use the awesome ViewTube script and it still works when a YT tab is loaded in the background


Posted: 19-03-2015

Glad to hear you fixed it.

I was about to say I got the problem on another PC in FireFox but on other scripts. For other scripts, in one PC it works and in another it doesn't. But LA for me seems to work fine in both.

FYI: Online rules get updated every so often. Maybe its 48hrs but I really can't recall the value. You can force an update by pressing alt + F9 (I think). I don't think anyone uses online rules, and I believe some of them are broken now. I never get feedback on them so who cares :). I think it was a waste of time implementing the online rules.

Posted: 19-03-2015

i have used a couple on-line rules, but i copy them to local rules
i think they're a good idea for learning the syntax if nothing else - it's nice to have examples that are just a click away

Posted: 06-04-2015
Edited: 06-04-2015

FF 36-37.0.1 (37.0.1 current)
GM 3x beta - any version (3.1b2 current)
TS:LA 3.0.25

this is still an ongoing issue i'm afraid
i've been testing with both my usual pcx firefox build and the default release - both v36 and 37 are affected up to 37.0.1, the highest version i tested

i disabled all extensions other than GM and started with a semi-fresh profile with a blank prefs.js and no user.js or /chrome folder

all TSLA scripts/rules were disabled except the below

rule code:
{"id":"L1423073086171","name":"[craigslist.org] font size","URLs":"https?://.*?\\.craigslist.org/","description":"increase font size for ads","sampleURL":"http://craigslist.org/","nthNode":"0","script":".posting .userbody {\n font-size: 30px !important;\n}","type":6,"selectors":"a","regexes":[],"enabled":true,"timestamp":1428347236424}

the font size is always changed as expected when tabs are loaded in the foreground, however the font size is usually not changed when the URLs are loaded in background tabs - sometimes they are, most often not, and there seems to be no pattern or specific URL that is affected

sample pages - load all these in the background and foreground to see if the font size is altered:

for troubleshooting, if you can convert my TS:LA rule to a GM script, i'll run it independently of TS:LA to verify whether this actually a TS:LA problem

Posted: 21-04-2015
Edited: 21-04-2015

Sorry g.man, missed this until now.

Posted: 21-04-2015
Edited: 21-04-2015

Problem was due to observe callbacks not running, due to delay in MutationObserver to avoid hanging. Went around it by having an onload callback. Let me know how it goes.

Posted: 22-04-2015

seems to work fine so far - glad you were able to nails this one down - been an annoyance for some time :)

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