Generic tracking/redirection/open-in-new-tab removal; Amend page title; URL redirector; and more power functionality. Has rules for Pixiv, deviantArt, twitter, youtube, blogger, Batota etc.
< Feedback on [TS] Linx Amender
What particular site does it fail at? I tested it and it only runs on that specific URL. You can check what rules run on the current site by pressing the website filter ("W") on the main dialog. If it is not listed it does not run.
it runs on every domain :)
i know about the 'W' button and that confirms that this rule is running on every domain
this is the only script/rule that exhibits this problem
i still have the other problem as well where the 'click to toggle the guide' button doesn't always toggle the guide (probably fails 70% of the time) - i'm wondering if it might be worthwhile exporting all of my rules so you can test them???
70% of the time lol. Works fine here :PAttach your rules and I will take a gander at it.
You press "W" on a site that is not google and links shows? This does not occur with me.
FYI: Your URLs listing is wrong. You are using regex and I am sure that is not what you want. This is what you want: @
This basically hits everything that contains the above string. The "@" sign tells it parse as normal string (escape regex).
If you want it in regex then it's this: ^https:\/\/www\.google\.com\/search
Normal string search is easier.
i didn't realize i was using a RegEx - i thought it had to be prefixed with '^' - so that solves that problem :)
import these rules, then go here:
than F9 and click Edit for any rule and see if the guide will open - for me it doesn't
`{"id":"L1415935007717","name":"[generic] change visited link color","URLs":"@\n@\n@\n@\n@\n@\n@\n@\n@","description":"change color of visited links to hot pink\nnote that the '¬' char in the help text is not the same as from the windows character map","nthNode":"0","script":"a:visited {color: #FF0080 !important;}","type":6,"selectors":"a","regexes":[],"enabled":true,"timestamp":1432067506211}
{"id":"L1430836041895","name":"[generic] convert embed youtube video to iframe","URLs":"*","description":"Convert video embed code to iframe so it is playable without Adobe Flash Player (browser must support HTML5 video)","nthNode":"0","type":1,"selectors":"embed","regexes":[{"name":"=outerHTML","search":""}],"enabled":true,"timestamp":1431947231578}
{"id":"L1431517425757","name":"[] general appearence","URLs":"@","nthNode":"0","script":"#res h3 {\n white-space: normal;\n overflow: unset !important;\n}\n.g {\n margin-bottom: 16px;\n}\n.g, body, html, input, .std, h1 {\n font-size: 15px;\n}","type":6,"selectors":"a","regexes":[],"enabled":true,"timestamp":1432067682416}
{"id":"L1425331302796","name":"[] remove external link redirects","URLs":"@","nthNode":"0","type":1,"selectors":"a","regexes":[{"name":"-class","search":"yt-uix-redirect-link"}],"enabled":true,"timestamp":1432067581738}
{"id":"L1431789169739","name":"[] general styling","URLs":"@","nthNode":"0","script":".listing .item {\n color: #000000;\n}","type":6,"selectors":"a","regexes":[],"enabled":true,"timestamp":1432067592529}
{"id":"L1426704260084","name":"[] remove external link redirects","URLs":"@","description":"remove external link redirects","sampleURL":"","nthNode":"0","type":1,"selectors":"a","regexes":[{"name":"href","search":"/r2/\\?url="}],"enabled":true,"timestamp":1426792784491}
{"id":"L1430144111146","name":"[] general appearence","URLs":"https?://(.*\\.)?","nthNode":"0","script":"body { font-size: 18px; }","type":6,"selectors":"a","regexes":[],"enabled":true,"timestamp":1432032901877}
{"id":"L1426701118718","name":"[] remove external link redirects","URLs":"@https://kickass.","nthNode":"0","type":1,"selectors":"a","regexes":[{"name":"href","search":"\\?"}],"enabled":false,"timestamp":1426708956891}
{"id":"L1407149821593","name":"[twitter]: Unhide Sensitive Material (Content Warning) [Copy-O1407149821593]","URLs":"https://twitter\\.com/\\w+","description":"Displays images and removes warning message.\nRemoves twitter bug (cards-media-container) that does not display multiple images on tweet page.","sampleURL":"","nthNode":"0","type":1,"selectors":"div.js-media-container.hidden,,","regexes":[{"name":"class","search":"js-media-container hidden","replace":"js-media-container"},{"name":"class","search":"cards-media-container hidden","replace":"cards-media-container"},{"name":"class","search":"media-not-displayed","replace":"media-not-displayed hidden"}],"enabled":true,"timestamp":1426704221863}
{"id":"L1428279088978","name":"[] code font size","URLs":"@","nthNode":"0","script":".autoit {\n font-size: 14px;\n}","type":6,"regexes":[],"enabled":true,"timestamp":1428279535606}
{"id":"L1426704295299","name":"[] remove external link redirects","URLs":"@\n@","nthNode":"0","type":1,"selectors":"a","regexes":[{"name":"href","search":"http://\\w+\\.deviantart\\.com/users/outgoing\\?"}],"enabled":true,"timestamp":1426708936748}
{"id":"L1429482438269","name":"[] format torrent info box","URLs":"@\n@","description":"break words normally instead of at any character fro better readability","nthNode":"0","script":".info{word-break:normal;}","type":6,"selectors":"a","regexes":[],"enabled":true,"timestamp":1432067655369}
{"id":"L1424377335073","name":"[] remove image overlay","URLs":"@\n@","description":"remove social sharing overlay when previewing images","sampleURL":"","nthNode":"0","type":1,"selectors":"div#imgAreaShare","regexes":[{"name":"-id","search":"imgAreaShare"}],"enabled":false,"timestamp":1426794418175}
{"id":"L1418997894597","name":"[generic] remove tracking params from URLs","URLs":"*","description":"remove link tracking parameters from URL's - idea from:","nthNode":"0","type":1,"selectors":"a","regexes":[{"name":"-href","search":"(&|%26|\\?)(?:utm_|ga_|_openstat|yclid|fb_|action_object_map|action_type_map|action_ref_map|hc_location).+?(?=&|%26|$)","replace":"$1"},{"name":"-ping"}],"enabled":false,"timestamp":1430575216939}
{"id":"L1426213278599","name":"[generic] disable custom cursors","URLs":"*","nthNode":"0","script":"* {cursor:auto !important}\na, a * {cursor:pointer !important}","type":6,"selectors":"a","regexes":[],"enabled":false,"timestamp":1426793974005}`
Have you tried it on a clean profile because it works fine for me. The click guide is only HTML and nothing else. The actual code is shown below:
<div onclick=" = ( ? null :"none";" style="text-align: center; margin: 0px; padding: 3px; background-color: yellow; color: red; cursor: pointer;">
<b>Click to toggle the Guide</b>
LA won't touch it because it's in an iframe. It's something else that is causing the problem. I am really at a loss here. Try it on a clean profile and let me know.
FK! it is another ext. - thought i tested this long ago on a fresh profile but apparently i didn't
uBlock is the culprit (NoScript users may experience the same issue)
the problem is when you block in-line scripts, but it only happens on certain pages (
so the ? is, is this a LA problem, or uBlock? i'm wondering if LA is properly "isolated" from the browser content/webpage?
I do not see how ublock blocks it or even takes note of it. The frame is created from your machine and not any other machine. Either way I tested it and it works fine on mine. Are you sure it's ublock and not something else?
I am a NoScript user and there is no way that noscript can affect my script at all.
(Not user of ublock, just did a quick test and seems works fine with me)
i can't say with 100% certainty that the problem is uBlock, but i tested on a clean profile and the problem did not occur each time i disabled uBlock and restarted the browser (it seems like a restart was necessary even though it's restartless) and the problem did occur every time it was enabled, even with no rules, block-lists, etc. - i tested at least 3 times in succession
as soon as i allowed in-line scripts, the problem was resolved (i forget if a restart was necessary)
also, there's 2 uBlocks - a fork of the original which is called uBlock and the original which is uBlock Origin - i use the fork (
ublock only seems to work by blocking ad-domains. This is added from your own browser extension. Also ublock does not alter the working of html. It blocks content from the third party domain completely.
I really do not have a clue here. Everything works fine here on my end. I tested it and seems fine. :?
uBlock is actually a content blocker - though it can block ads using the same (and more) lists used by the Adblock derivatives, it can also block in-line, 1st and 3rd party scripts and iframes, as well as images, so it shares the basic functionality of NoScript
you were probably using it in its default mode (simple) - if you enable the advanced mode, you will unlock its power (it is FAR superior to Adblock)
if you look here you will see how i use it - in a "default deny" mode...
as far as LA, what is probably happening is that uB is filtering a background request made by LA, which are requests that are not made through "normal" means
if you click this icon, you can open the network logger...
from there you can select background requests in the combo control
the problem is that, for extensions, this particular fork of uB does not log requests from extensions, however i think gorhill's latest build does...
oh, meant to add ... whatever uB is blocking, assuming it is a background request, it probably needs to be white-listed here...
maybe it's a chrome URL or something - i really have no idea
None of the images work for me, so I have little understanding of what you are talking about. I am no user of ublock but from what I've read it blocks access to domains, like NoScript. There is no way for either extensions to do what you describe. No way.
My script runs from your machine from an extension. The window dialog appears but for some unknown reason the click guide button does not work.
If you go to firefox inspector and then click on the guide button and copy and paste the code between ``` markdown tags, so I can take a look at it. It should look like the code below.
<div onclick=" = ( ? null :"none";" style="text-align: center; margin: 0px; padding: 3px; background-color: yellow; color: red; cursor: pointer;">
<b>Click to toggle the Guide</b>
As you can see from the code, the onclick attribute is the thing that toggles the visibility. onclick=" = ( ? null :"none";"
Now I do not see how uBlock can alter that. It block whole content and not alter them. What is happening with you is that the functionality is altered, and I do not know why. No content is being blocked.
Does that make sense? I really believe it is something else. It cannot be ublock and I've tried it on my machine. I also have no idea. ^_^
the code i captured is exactly the same as yours - compared in Notepad++
putting the code between 3 back-tics didn't work for me
That's the js code that captures the click. I really do not know what else to suggest. I really am at a loss here.
no problem
what didn't work with the screen-caps i posted? your browser wouldn't load them, or you didn't understand them?
It didn't load them, but they work now.
ah, well, if you test uBlock again, click the title bar to get to the options > enable advanced mode > then click the "requests blocked" label on the main UI to expand it > then filter in-line scripts by making the first column red...
Son of a gun, it failed and what I said was wrong. I misunderstood ublock and you mentioned it blocks in-line but I completely went blind. XD
With inline blocking you must have a lot of failing sites.
ublock, is a bit like NoScript but with more power and an abysmal interface. Seriously lacking interface. Sidetracking here, but do you use anything else beside this, or just this? Currently I am using Adblock and NoScript but might move to ublock as it seems better.
Anyway, did a silly temp fix (maybe).
ha! it's funny how preferences differ so widely - while it could use a little tweaking, i LOVE the uBlock UI - minimal and fast and easy to use
as i said earlier, i use uB in default-deny mode, so yes, like NS, a LOT of sites are broken by default - for these, "noop" rules are created (grey) which allow scripts, but still subject the content to the ad/malware/tracking filtering provided by the 3rd party block lists
to answer your ?, i use the following for privacy/security protection..
HTTP UsearAgent cleaner - powerful tool, but talk about an UGLY UI
Self-Destructing Cookies - this squashes web storage as well
uBlock Origin (i just switched from the other uB to test the more powerful features of Origin)
and that is it - no NS, and no Better Privacy since i have no plugins installed
oh, and your "silly temp fix" works like a charm so far :)
and you thought i was delusional - LOL
Thanks for sharing. :)
Self-Destructing Cookies is a definite install for me now. That is a sweet extension.
HTTP UserAgent is above my understanding and you are right; it is more than ugly, it's fugly.
I take back what I said about ubo, the interface is OK if you know what you are looking at. It seems to be RequestPolicy + NoScript + Adblock but not an intuitive interface. I will use it. I am not looking forward to it as I am also have a default deny policy though not as far as your inline-scripts.
I am a big fan of Adblock Plus. Very easy to manage and the ability to block selected scripts from a site makes it unique. I do not think ubo has that ability.
(When I said NoScript before I meant RequestPolicy. I've disabled NS)
the newest dev build of gorhill's uB (the original, "Origin") has individual script blocking (from the network logger i believe), but i would submit that it is a wee-bit less intuitive than chris's build since gorhill stubbornly disables tool-tips when it's run in advanced mode and refuses to add an option to not do so. Chris's UI is better too. gorhill's dev build here:
reading the uB wiki is essential - uB is really easy to use, but there is a bit of a learning curve, at least there was for me:
HUAC (HTTP UserAgent cleaner) - very powerful tool, but the documentation SUCKS - luckily for you *grin*, and with the help of the [somewhat non-cooperative] developer, i wrote a guide in EN for it which covers uB as well:
AB+ is not need at all with uB, which operates much more efficiently and consumes far less memory (and doesn't hinder start-up time) like the AB derivatives
even if you don't use gorhill's latest dev build, keep in mind that you can still block scripts on a per-domain basis - the key is those "noop" rules - see my guide
oh, and regarding white-listing in-line scripts...
from administrating my WP-based site, it *seems* to me - and i might be very wrong - that one could include 1st party, external scripts in-line if they wanted, so personally i block all scripts by default
furthermore, in-line scripts could be just as malicious as 1st or 3rd party scripts and iframes
just sayin' :)
Thanks you for the informative guide, I will read it when I get more time.
As to uBo dev build, I will be testing it on test profile, see if it has an easy script blocking. AB+ is just really easy, with its blockable content listing, and until I figure out an easy alternative its a must for me. I only need it for selective blocking, otherwise I would remove it.
furthermore, in-line scripts could be just as malicious as 1st or 3rd party scripts and iframes
True, but it depends on what sites you go. I mainly visit the same sites and they are all safe just some have annoying trackers and clipboard alteration scripts.
css rule affecting other domains
why is this rule affecting the font size of other domains?
{"id":"L1431517425757","name":"[] general appearence","URLs":"*","nthNode":"0","script":"#res h3 {\n white-space: normal;\n overflow: unset !important;\n}\n.g {\n margin-bottom: 16px;\n}\n.g, body, html, input, .std, h1 {\n font-size: 15px;\n}","type":6,"selectors":"a","regexes":[],"enabled":false,"timestamp":1431818815389}