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< Feedback on B站点赞批量取消@Deprecated

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 26-08-2024

是失效了吗,我在Microsoft Edge版本 128.0.2739.42 (正式版本) (arm64)上无法使用,试了几天都不行

Posted: 26-08-2024


(function() {
'use strict'

const gm = {
id: 'gm445754',
busy: false,
button: null,
fn: {
init() {
api.base.addStyle('.gm445754-link { text-decoration: underline; }')

busy(state) {
if (state !== undefined) {
if (gm.button) {
gm.button.style.pointerEvents = state ? 'none' : ''
gm.button.textContent = state ? '处理中...' : '取消点赞'
gm.busy = state
return gm.busy

async addButton() {
const container = await api.wait.$('.h .h-action')
const button = document.createElement('div')
button.textContent = '取消点赞'
button.className = 'h-f-btn'
button.addEventListener('click', () => this.start())
gm.button = button

addScriptMenu() {
GM_registerMenuCommand('取消点赞', () => this.start())

async start() {
if (this.busy()) return
const ps = 30
const delay = 600 // 经实测这个延时不太容易触发后台拦截机制
const dTotal = 2
const uid = await api.message.prompt('请输入待取消点赞UP主的 UID:', /\/(\d+)([#/?]|$)/.exec(location.pathname)?.[1])
if (/^\d+$/.test(uid)) {
let start = await api.message.prompt(`从最新投稿的第几页开始执行?(每页 ${ps} 项)`, '1')
start = !/^\d+$/.test(start) ? 1 : Number.parseInt(start)
const total = await api.message.prompt(`

共执行多少页?(每页 ${ps} 项)


对脚本使用有困惑请查看 README FAQ

`, dTotal, { html: true })
const end = start + ((/^\d+$/.test(total) && Number.parseInt(total) > 0) ? Number.parseInt(total) : dTotal) - 1
const r###lt = await api.message.confirm(`是否要取消对UP主 UID ${uid} 第 ${start} ~ ${end} 页的所有点赞,该操作不可撤销!`)
if (r###lt) {
const ret = {}
api.message.alert(`正在取消对UP主 UID ${uid} 的点赞。执行过程详见控制台,执行完毕前请勿关闭当前页面或将当前页面置于后台!`, null, ret)
const r###lt = await gm.fn.cancelDislikes(uid, start, end, delay)
if (ret.dialog.state < 3) {
if (r###lt.success) {
await api.message.alert(`

取消点赞执行完毕,共取消点赞 ${r###lt.cancelCnt} 次,详细信息请查看控制台。


对脚本使用有困惑请查看 README FAQ

`, { html: true })
} else {
await api.message.alert(`

取消点赞执行错误,发生错误前共取消点赞 ${r###lt.cancelCnt} 次,详细信息请查看控制台。


对脚本使用有困惑请查看 README FAQ

`, { html: true })
} else if (uid !== null) {
await api.message.alert('UID 格式错误。')

async cancelDislikes(uid, start, end, delay = 300) {
const csrf = this.getCSRF()
let cancelCnt = 0
const ps = 30
let pn = start
let count = -1
let maxPn = 1
api.logger.info(`START: UID = ${uid}, START = ${start}, END = ${end}`)
do {
api.logger.info(`PAGE: ${pn} / ${end} / ${count < 0 ? '?' : maxPn}`)
const resp = await api.web.request({
method: 'GET',
url: `https://api.bilibili.com/x/space/arc/search?mid=${uid}&pn=${pn}&ps=${ps}`,
}, { check: r => r.code === 0 })
if (count < 0) {
count = resp.data.page.count
maxPn = Math.ceil(count / ps)
if (end > maxPn) {
end = maxPn
if (pn > maxPn) {
pn += 1
const { vlist } = resp.data.list
for (const item of vlist) {
// 无法判断用户是否给目标视频点过赞,只能判断用户是否在近期给目标视频点过赞,必须跳过检测直接操作
const sp = new URLSearchParams()
sp.append('bvid', item.bvid)
sp.append('like', '2') // 取消点赞
sp.append('csrf', csrf)
const r = await api.web.request({
method: 'POST',
url: 'https://api.bilibili.com/x/web-interface/archive/like',
data: sp,
// r.code:
// -412 - 请求被拦截
// 65004 - 取消赞失败 未点赞过
if (r.code === 0) {
api.logger.info(`CANCEL: ${item.title} (${item.bvid})`)
cancelCnt += 1
} else if (r.code < 0) {
api.logger.error('ERROR: 请求被拦截,点赞接口已失效,接下来一段时间内请勿使用本脚本功能(建议至少在一小时以上),同时尽可能避免给视频点赞!', r)
return { success: false, cancelCnt, error: r }
await this.randomDelay(delay)
} while (pn++ < end)
api.logger.info(`COMPLETE: 共取消点赞 ${cancelCnt} 次,执行范围为第 ${start} ~ ${pn - 1} 页`)
return { success: true, cancelCnt }

async randomDelay(exp) {
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, exp * (Math.random() * 0.5 + 0.75)))

getCSRF() {
return document.cookie.replace(/(?:(?:^|.*;\s*)bili_jct\s*=\s*([^;]*).*$)|^.*$/, '$1')

/* global UserscriptAPI */
const api = new UserscriptAPI({
id: gm.id,
label: GM_info.script.name,


}, seed)}
//# sourceURL=chrome-extension://iikmkjmpaadaobahmlepeloendndfphd/userscript.html?name=B%25E7%25AB%2599%25E7%2582%25B9%25E8%25B5%259E%25E6%2589%25B9%25E9%2587%258F%25E5%258F%2596%25E6%25B6%2588.user.js&id=85cc0108-d068-46c3-82cb-f772a2d4323b

Posted: 26-08-2024

核心接口被禁用,现要改用 api.bilibili.com/x/space/wbi/arc/search 接口,但需要 Wbi 签名鉴权。有点小题大做的感觉,目前我是没有动力改了。这个脚本就先封存起来,等什么时候我主用的几个脚本也遇到问题再一并解决吧。

需要自行解决的,搜索并将 api.bilibili.com/x/space/arc/search 替换为 api.bilibili.com/x/space/wbi/arc/search,再增加鉴权处理,参考 https://github.com/SocialSisterYi/bilibili-API-collect/blob/master/docs/misc/sign/wbi.md#JavaScript

Posted: 26-08-2024


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