creates bots moving to you
< Feedback on gold bots
Now that I think about it, maybe it isn't possible/shouldn't be added to make bots autoheal because of the new anticheat adding a packet limit of 50p/s, so nevermind that 2nd request.
Yes, I can add a command for example /send bots that will send bots. Also saying thatI almost know nothing about javascript coding. How did you come to that conclusion?
Can you contact me on Discord so we can continue chatting there? My discord is Nuro#9818
Sorry, I didn't mean to say that YOU knew nothing about js coding, I meant to say I knew nothing about coding. You're an awesome coder
This is a pretty cool mod. It's pretty simple and helpful, and the script does everything for you. I noticed in the code "const IP_LIMIT = 4;".
I have 2 ideas that could make this script better, but since I have seen your work and know almost nothing about javascript coding, I wanna ask first to make sure it's even possible with the new updates
1) Is it possible to add code that would allow you to connect more bots when connected to a ### server? (Like, manually chatting "/send bots" or something like that)
2) Would it be possible to make the bots autoheal when they are not on your screen/close to you?
This is a great script, thanks for this and all the work you have done in the past on scripting.