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YouTube: Remove unpopular videos

Remove videos with less than a certain number of views

// ==UserScript==
// @name         YouTube: Remove unpopular videos
// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version      0.3
// @description  Remove videos with less than a certain number of views
// @icon         https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kuronekozero/youtube-remove-unpopular-videos/master/icon.png
// @author       Timothy (kuronek0zero)
// @namespace    https://github.com/kuronekozero/youtube-remove-unpopular-videos/tree/master
// @match        https://www.youtube.com/*
// @grant        GM_addStyle
// @license      MIT
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
const minViews = 500; // Minimum number of views
const getVideoRows = function() {
return document.querySelectorAll('ytd-rich-item-renderer');
const processVideoRow = function(video) {
// Updated selector for view count element
const viewCountElement = video.querySelector('span.inline-metadata-item.style-scope.ytd-video-meta-block');
if (viewCountElement) {
const viewCountText = viewCountElement.textContent.trim();
if (viewCountText.includes("No views")) {
} else {
// Updated regex to match the view count number, considering 'K', 'M', or no suffix
const viewCountMatch = viewCountText.match(/([\d,.]+)(K|M)? views/);
if (viewCountMatch) {
let viewCount = parseFloat(viewCountMatch[1].replace(/,/g, '')); // Remove commas
if (viewCountMatch[2] === 'K') {
viewCount *= 1000; // Convert 'K' to thousands
} else if (viewCountMatch[2] === 'M') {
viewCount *= 1000000; // Convert 'M' to millions
if (viewCount < minViews) {
const run = function() {
const videoRows = getVideoRows();
setTimeout(run, 500);
setInterval(run, 500);