Remove videos with less than a certain number of views
This Tampermonkey script is designed to declutter your YouTube recommendations by removing videos with fewer than a certain number of views. It operates by scanning the videos in your YouTube recommendations and removing any that fall below the specified view count threshold.
Script works only if youtube is set to English language!
The script works by scanning the videos in your YouTube recommendations and removing any that have fewer than a specified number of views. The default threshold is set at 500 views, but this can be easily adjusted to suit your preferences.
Videos like this will be removed:
To adjust the view count threshold, you need to modify the value of minViews
in the script. For instance, if you want to remove videos with less than 5000 views, you would change:
var minViews = 500; // Minimum number of views
var minViews = 5000; // Minimum number of views
If the default language of the YouTube page isn't English, the script won't work. In future versions of this script, I'll add more languages.