Download every mods of a collection in a single click
< Feedback on Nexus Download Collection
for my case i need pluginRules part for loot rules
Sorry, I dont understand what you need, where are you seeing this "pluginRules" data ? Maybe I can't get it from their website.
if we download nexus collection with vortex we will get collection.json file which contain some class such as
1."info": (info about the collection)
2."mods":(mods for collection which this script can access)
3."modrules":(mods overwriting rules)
4."tools":(tools needed)
5."plugins":(mods load order or loadorder.txt equivalent of mo2)
6."pluginsrules":(plugin and group rules or userlist.yaml equivalent for LOOT)
i wonder if you can add feature to export those data
Thanks for the details. I spent a fair bit of time figuring out how this file is created and had to explore all Nexusmods GitHub repositories for this, which was not easy.
In the end, I know how to get it, but I don't think I will implement it for the following reasons:
To create this file, the user would need to:
The script would then need to:
However, the good news is there is a much easier way to get it:
can you add feature to download collection.json file?