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Nexus Download Collection

Download every mods of a collection in a single click

< Feedback on Nexus Download Collection

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 25-02-2025

can you add feature to download collection.json file?

Posted: 25-02-2025

Hi, you can do that via :
1. Select mods to download
2. Click on top right corner tree dots button
3. Select All
4. Re click the previous tree dots button
5. Export mods selection

Posted: 07-03-2025

for my case i need pluginRules part for loot rules

Posted: 08-03-2025

Sorry, I dont understand what you need, where are you seeing this "pluginRules" data ? Maybe I can't get it from their website.

Posted: 10-03-2025

if we download nexus collection with vortex we will get collection.json file which contain some class such as
1."info": (info about the collection)
2."mods":(mods for collection which this script can access)
3."modrules":(mods overwriting rules)
4."tools":(tools needed)
5."plugins":(mods load order or loadorder.txt equivalent of mo2)
6."pluginsrules":(plugin and group rules or userlist.yaml equivalent for LOOT)
i wonder if you can add feature to export those data

Posted: 10-03-2025
Edited: 10-03-2025

Thanks for the details. I spent a fair bit of time figuring out how this file is created and had to explore all Nexusmods GitHub repositories for this, which was not easy.

In the end, I know how to get it, but I don't think I will implement it for the following reasons:

  • No one except you would use it (sorry).
  • It is not user-friendly.

To create this file, the user would need to:

  • Create a Personal API Key for your profile on this page (at the bottom).
  • Set this API Key somewhere in the script

The script would then need to:

  1. Make a GET request to this URL (for this collection).
  2. Add the parameter "apikey" in the header of the request, which is the Personal API Key you created.

However, the good news is there is a much easier way to get it:

  • Click "Add Collection" on a collection.
  • In Vortex the prompt that asks if you want to download the collection, click "Later."
  • You will find the collection.json file.

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