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Posted: 01-04-2015
Edited: 01-04-2015

Pls add safelinksreview.com

Can u pls add safelinksreview.com?
Sample link: http://safelinksreview.com/en/cost/fileshack.net?id=aHR0cDovL2ZpbGVzaGFjay5uZXQvanp3OHFrNm53NGRo&c=0&user=23371 >> don't know if this is correct though.
Probably the main site is safelinkconverter.com.
Thanks before!

Posted: 06-04-2015

This does not look like a shorten link site ...?

Posted: 19-04-2015

Sorry, forgot to reply this >.< Yes it's not a shorten link site but like a link protector site, I thought you'll be able to, but if you can't, it's OK :)

Posted: 21-07-2015

This site has been added.

Posted: 01-08-2015
not work.
sample link : http://safelinkreview.com/en/cost/kumpulbagi.com?id=aHR0cDovL2t1bXB1bGJhZ2kuY29tL0hpbWVrby9tb2VzdWJzLXNlcmFwaC1vZi10aGUtZW5kLXR2LTYyMTEz
It's working, tested with firefox 36.0.1.

still not work for me.
firefox 29.0 & Scriptish

Posted: 02-08-2015

oh, ok.

Posted: 02-08-2015
Edited: 02-08-2015

I just tested it, I think the problem is that both document.body and document.head are null in start, and it throws HierarchyRequestError when you replace them by document.createElement.

But this does not happen on GreaseMonkey, I guess Scriptish breaks document in sandbox.

Out of curiosity, would using unsafeWindow fix the issue?

By the way, I think that we should not support Scriptish, as it does not seem to be maintained any longer.

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