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4chan Gallery

4chan grid-based image gallery with zoom mode support for threads that allows you to browse images, and soundposts (images with sounds, webms with sounds) along with other utility features.

< Feedback on 4chan Gallery

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 22-05-2024
Edited: 22-05-2024

I use this gallery viewer sometimes(an older version since apparently it's paywalled now) but it didn't work with 4chan X which made me search for yours. But I like how this one lets me control how many images per row, the size of the images, and uses the entire browser window instead of just a box within it like yours.

With that said I have some suggestions for yours. Could you add a hotkey to open the gallery, add those image per row and size options, and have clicking on an image open it in a popup windows like that other tool? I like how I can click and get it full screen then click again and it goes away. It also has a shift+click to open the post in the thread, like how your click works. Also do you know if there are any image gallery viewers for the 4chan archive sites? I haven't found one. Even just a image hover would be nice.

Thanks either way though, I'll be using this a lot.

Posted: 29-05-2024

Ahh thank you for the comment, I am in the process of supporting the archive sites (has been on my TODO list). Keybinds are also on my TODO list, I guess I can support the full screen option, although I initially thought people would right click > open image in new tab so that they can zoom in it, but I guess I could do something about that.

Posted: 31-05-2024

The way that gallery extension worked was really nice. It just opened the image full screen and right clicking on it would close it. Nice and fast to see it full screen. I'm mostly saving a lot of images so zooming in isn't a concern to me.
Thanks a bunch, I'm looking forward to the archive support.

Posted: 05-06-2024

Mostly added with v2.0, Imma take a good break after this update, a few annoying bugs, after adding all of that but I hope you like it!

Posted: 06-06-2024
Edited: 06-06-2024

I do like it but some notes and questions:
1. Is there a function to open a post in the thread like click on an image did previously? Shift+click would be best imo. And it would be nice if scrolling moved through the gallery, like left/right does.
2. Pressing "I" opens the gallery even if I'm shitposting.
3. Warosu doesn't have much board support. I was hoping for https://archived.moe/ which I think covers the most boards.

Thanks a lot though, this is much better!

Posted: 06-06-2024

Also I just noticed a fatal flaw in your update. I use a mouse gestures extension to save images by right clicking and dragging down but it no longer works on the thumbnails. It's all over for me. Can I roll back?

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