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VNDB Cover Preview

Previews covers in vndb.org searches when hovering over the respective hyperlinks.

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Posted: 20-04-2017
Edited: 22-04-2017

Fixed my problem with the host @include not working =D


I got the script to work, with no problems at all, even with the main host url as an @include. Here is my @includes, which now works perfectly.:

// @include     https://vndb.org*
// @include     https://vndb.org/v*
// @include     https://vndb.org/g*
// @include     https://vndb.org/p*
// @include     https://vndb.org/u*
// @include     https://vndb.org/s*
// @include     https://vndb.org/r*
// @include     https://vndb.org/c*
// @include     https://vndb.org/t*

Here is the current @includes from your script.:

// @include     https://vndb.org/
// @include     https://vndb.org/v/*
// @include     https://vndb.org/g*
// @include     https://vndb.org/p*
// @include     https://vndb.org/u*
// @include     https://vndb.org/s*

I don't quite know why, but that backslash in your code for the " // @include https://vndb.org/ ", is apparently what my system has a problem with, with that removed, it works without a hitch. Well, when visiting VNDB, the main page isn't with the backslash anyways, so it shouldn't be needed anyways. image

I actually just removed all the other @includes, now that I got the main @include to work, seeing as they are now redundant, so you may disregard my other thread :) My @include list is now much shorter (Being only one line), and it works across the entire site :) // @include https://vndb.org*

Posted: 21-04-2017

Ho, interesting. Well, if it works for you then great. :p

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