กำลังแสดงผลลัพธ์สำหรับภาษาทั้งหมด แสดงผลลัพธ์ภาษาไทยเท่านั้น
AI Chat Window Enhancer ProJS-Enhanced chat window for various AI platforms: ChatGPT, Claude, Kimi, Tongyi, ChatGLM, Tiangong, Deepseek, Gemini
Claude Session Key 管理器JS-Claude Session Key 管理工具,支持拖拽、测活、导入导出、WebDAV云备份等功能
Claude Prompt EnhancerJS-Use predefined prompts by custom command
Wider AI Chat↔️JS-Make the AI chat dialog window wider for ChatGPT/Claude/Kimi/Tongyi/ChatGLM/Tiangong/Deepseek/Gemini/Tencent Yuanbao/grok
Claude Chat ExporterJS-Allows exporting chat conversations from claude.ai.
🤤Claude - Prompt便签JS-一个帮助用户在Claude原生网页添加可移动且大小可调的便签,用于快速选择和添加prompt的脚本。
Claude Chat Data CaptureJS-Captures Claude chat conversation data and saves to local storage
Claude Interface EnhancedJS-It tries to Enhanced Claude Interface
Role Play Helper for ChatGPT&SlackJS-This script provides an intuitive template editor with three key areas: setting, review, and interaction. Users can construct templates in the setting area, then populate them with content from the review and interaction areas. A built-in "add" button fetches the latest AI message for instant insertion into the review area, making template editing straightforward and convenient.该脚本提供了一个直观的模板编辑器,包含三个关键区域:设置区、回顾区和交互区。用户可以在设置区构建模板,然后使用回顾区和交互区的内容填充它们。内置的“添加”按钮可以获取最新的AI消息,并立即插入到回顾区,使得模板编辑简单便捷。
ChatGPT-academic-prompt-helperJS-项目主页:https://github.com/ZinYY/chatgpt-academic-prompt-helper。 【ChatGPT 学术小助手】可以为你带来更好的网页版chatgpt使用体验:快速地添加快捷指令prompts。 本项目是一个油猴脚本 (Tampermonkey),旨在便于网页版 Chatgpt 的 prompt 输入,并内置了一些常用的学术 prompt 模板。 【Usage】【打开 prompt 面板】:单击侧边栏的 “快捷指令” 按钮,或者用快捷键 `command+shift+F` (Windows 用户使用 `ctrl+shift+F`)。 【输入 prompt】: 单击想要输入的 prompt 即可。prompt 会添加在输入框之前。 【关闭 prompt 面板】: 使用快捷键 `command+shift+F`, 或是按下 `ESC` 按键即可。 【自定义 prompt】: 自行修改 `chatgpt_academic_helper.js` 文件中的内容即可。
AI Chat Message Row Max-WidthJS-Adjust Content Max-Width
Widen and Add Padding ClaudeJS-Widen and add padding to specified elements
Export Claude.AiJS-Download the conversation with Claude
Claude.ai ChatGPT NBME-uWorld Question Analysis Prompt & PasteJS-chat.openai.com and Claude.ai script to prepend a prompt to the text on the clipboard.
Update Claude.ai Chat Page TitleJS-Updates the page title on Claude.ai chat pages every 10 seconds
Export Claude.Ai v1.1-miniaturizedJS-Download the conversation with Claude; works now on small screens.
aggrx 测试测试JS-aggrx用来测试
ChatGPT Shortcut AnywhereJS-Toggle AiShort sidebar on the page
claudeTokenLoginJS-使用 token 登录 claude
Claude.ai Ultimate Chat ExporterJS-Adds "Export All Chats" and "Export Chat" buttons to Claude.ai
Upload To Gitlab Button for Claude.ai ChatJS-Adds an "Upload To Gitlab" button before the chat controls on Claude.ai chat pages
Claude.ai Full Screen ChatJS-Modifies the styles of claude.ai to display the chat in full screen.
GPT Input DialogJS-为一系列 GPT 类网站添加长文输入对话框 | Add a long text input dialog to a series of GPT-like platforms
Claude responsive + customizationsCSS-Claude website is more suitable for wide screens.
Claude - Clear chat historyJS-Adds a clear history button
Claude.ai ShareGPT ExporterJS-Adds "Export Chat" buttons to Claude.ai
Mass Delete - ClaudeJS-Permanently delete conversations on claude.ai
Claude Token Login |解决Claude登录后封号问题JS-使用token登录Claude,解决Claude登录后封号问题🐎完美支持Claude官网和Claude镜像服务
ClaudeToken 切换JS-动态切换claude的token
Claude helper (对话导出\字数统计\时间显示)JS-✴️1、可以导出 claude ai对话的内容。✴️2、统计当前字数 (包括粘贴、上传、article的内容,含换行符/markdown语法符号等)。✴️3、显示对话的时间、模型信息、Token用量。ℹ️显示的信息均来自网页内本身存在但未显示的属性值。
Claude TeX RendererJS-Render LaTeX math formulas on the page using MathJax
Export Claude.AiJS-Download the conversation with Claude
Claude Pasted Content CopierJS-Adds copy functionality to pasted content on Claude.ai
Change Fonts and StylesJS-Change all fonts on Claude.ai to Arial and set background color to blue
Claude.ai 汉化JS-自动翻译claude.ai网页内的内容,并且支持自动翻译title
Claude Chat DownloaderJS-Add download button to save Claude AI conversations in TXT, MD, or JSON format
Claude 3.6 renamerJS-Fix the name for Claude "3.5 Sonnet (New)". Make it "3.6 Sonnet" as it should have been released
Claude Usage TrackerJS-Helps you track your claude.ai usage caps.
Claude Temperature ControlJS-Allows adjusting the temperature setting for Claude AI.
Hide Claude.ai SidebarJS-Hide the sidebar of Claude.ai and add a home button for better user experience
Claude 对话导出器 | Claude Conversation Exporter PlusJS-优雅导出 Claude 对话记录,支持 JSON 和 Markdown 格式。Elegantly export Claude conversation records, supporting JSON and Markdown formats.
Claude Chat Style Adjustment MaximizedJS-调整 Claude AI 对话界面的样式到最大化。Adjust the style of Claude AI dialogue interface to maximize.
ChatBot Prompt ReplacerJS-Replace shortcuts with predefined text in ChatBot input
Claude Dark ProJS-Modifies Claude.ai dark theme to provide an even darker experience
Claude Fork ConversationJS-Adds forking functionality to claude.ai
Claude Storage Data ExporterJS-Monitors storage for Claude chat data and exports to endpoint
AI对话宽度调整 | AI Chat Width ControllerJS-Add draggable width control slider for AI chat websites
ChatGPT alarmJS-An gong sound will play when your ChatGPT prompt is finished, to notify you to return to the tab and stop getting distracted
Chat AI HelperJS-AI Chat Helper for ChatGPT, Claude and other AI platforms
幻觉(Illusion)JS-幻觉(Illusion)是一个精简的跨## Prompts 管理工具,支持在以下 AI ##使用:Google AI Studio, OpenAI ChatGPT, Anthropic Claude 和 DeepSeek Chat。
Improved Claude Voice InterfaceJS-Voice interface for Claude with TTS functionality, speech recognition, auto-reading and drag positioning
Claude.ai Chat Exporter (Updated)JS-Adds "Export Chat" button to Claude.ai (current as of Sonnet 3.7)
Claude Menu Click Blocker with Compact Hidden ControlsJS-Blocks accidental clicks on Claude menu with space-saving hidden controls
Claude No Auto-ScrollJS-claude no scroll