NPTEL-Save-Sourse-ContentJS-Get all content downloads of any nptel course. \n Adds a button on the nav bar to run the script.
Snahp.eu urls decoderJS-This script detects base64 encoded urls present in snahp pages and decodes them automatically without having to go to other websites :)
JEE Mains Marks after capturing the answersJS-This script calculates the marks after you give the captured answers.
JEE Mains Answers captureJS-This script detects parses your entered answers into a computer readable format
Bypass fingertabs downloadsJS-Don't wait for the timer on the download
Get all downloadable content from MIT OpenCourseWareJS-Get a button to download all the content from a course and lot to console
snahp.eu Forum Sort Topics by FilesizeJS-Adds a button to sort search r###lts according to their filesize
Claude TeX RendererJS-Render LaTeX math formulas on the page using MathJax
PW Course DownloaderJS-Download PW course content
CustomYTSpeedJS-Allows the user to set a custom playback speed on YouTube.com videos