กำลังแสดงผลลัพธ์สำหรับภาษาทั้งหมด แสดงผลลัพธ์ภาษาไทยเท่านั้น
osu! Beatmap MirrorJS-Adds a mirror link to osu! download pages
osu! Supporter RankingJS-osu! Supporter Ranking for web
osu! Profile DetailJS-Show some API stats in profile page
osu! mp ExporterJS-Export Multiplay r###lt as csv
osu! Activity Hover DetailsJS-Hover on Recent Activities / Best Performance to see score details
osu! pp for ScoreboardJS-pp for Top 50 Scoreboard
osu! Alternative Add Friend ButtonJS-osu! Alternative Add Friend Button. ts8zs' request
osu! select code blockJS-Highlights Code Blocks
osu! Download from mirrorJS-Download beatbaps from mirror site
osu! my downloadJS-osu beatmap download from mirror. osu beatmap镜像站下载。支持的镜像站点:inso.link、osu.sayobot.cn、osu.direct、nerinyan.moe。也可以自行添加。
osu! disable timeagoJS-disable timeago and use local time. Suwako's request.
loli.al osu linkerJS-adds a link to loli.al of that beatmap
pp for osu score pagesJS-shows pp data from osustats.ppy.sh on osu score pages.
osu! NicknameJS-Add a Nickname under name to help recognizing someone
Alternative pp data scalingJS-Shows alternatively scaled pp data on osu!
osu! profile HLJS-highlights all plays that player got in last 14days
osu! Highlight For BN NamesJS-Add purple bold font style for all names of beatmap nominators in osu! website
osu! Mark User With Modes IconsJS-Mark osu, taiko, ctb and mania icons in osu user profile page
osu! Show Modding Activity ScoreJS-Show modding activity score on user's profile page
osu! Download ButtonJS-Download beatmaps from some mirror sites (Bloodcat, Mengsky and inso)
osu top ranks data adderJS-Adds beatmap difficulty data/images/sound previews to user top ranks
osu! PP SaveJS-A Simple script to save users pp to compare later.
Osu downloaded DetectorJS-Add an OWNED tag to already downloaded beatmaps, 2 buttons to filter downloaded or not beatmap, page merger (up to 125 pages in the same window ! 5000 beatmaps continuously !)
Osu MatchJS-show BP difference
osu! pp for Scoreboard [Offline Ver.]JS-a remake of https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/3280-osu-pp-for-scoreboard (osu! pp for Scoreboard)
osu!-download-beatmap-from-bloodcatJS-Download osu beatmap from bloodcat(support new design page)
OSU InsoJS-自动跳转Inso下载beatmap
OSU! bloodcat mirrorJS-bloodcat download button in osu search page
osu! download redirectorJS-redirect download request from ppy.sh to bloodcat.com
Redirect to old osu! siteJS-Redirects to osu! old site by simulating click event on site switcher button, and also updates site version cookie expiration date
Osu beatmap searchJS-Osu beatmap search by specific date
SimDevices Osu Beatmap Downloader PluginJS-Add extra download buttons on beatmap page for SimDevices Beatmap Downloader on osu.ppy.sh
Add download link to removed scores on osu.ppy.shJS-Adds a link to the error page to download the replay
osu! Beatmap Downloaded IndicatorJS-Dim the beatmaps that are already downloaded in the osu! beatmap listing.
osuMapFilterJS-filter osu maps
osu Auto PlayJS-will try to auto play the song of the current beatmap
Miao SayoBot DownloadJS-try to take over the world!
osu! 自动过滤 Std 模式谱面JS-自动将谱面过滤模式设为仅显示 Std 模式
OSU Download BoosterJS-Osu谱面下载加速, 为##玩家打造, 支持Rainng(Azure99维护)和Sayo(小夜维护)的镜像
Mutual and suscribe to youself on osu!JS-Allows you to mutual and subscribe to your own osu profile
osu!backgrounddlJS-downloader for the backgrounds in osu beatmaps
osu-website-reworkJS-no offense but this web rework looks awful
ShowSpinnerCountJS-Adds spinner count to beatmap pages
OsuProfileScoresTimeGraphJS-Adds graphing for which hours scores were set at
osu beatmap filterJS-Filter beatmap by favorites (osu! website only)
osu! beatmap browserJS-keybindings for navigating osu! beatmaps
osu!web highlight for modding queuesJS-highlight post in Modding Queues of osu! forum.
OSU Download BoosterJS-Boost download speeds for osu beatmaps
trolloscript osu! profile beatmaps downloaderJS-download all the ranked/gd/pending/graveyard beatmaps by a user
osu! profile score rankJS-places score rank on osu! profile if applicable
Osu! YutangCupS7 CalculatorJS-osu鱼塘杯专用计分器
nerinyan.moe dl mirrorJS-replaces osu!direct button to nerinyan.moe download mirror. based on oSumAtrIX's script
ShowSpinnerCount (Greasemonkey Ver)JS-Adds spinner count to beatmap pages
Remove alert banner/iconJS-Removes the alert banner and icon from osu pages
osu!web enhancementJS-Some small improvements to osu!web, featuring beatmapset filter and profile page improvement.
osu! QuickPaste Image to BBCodeJS-Automatically pastes BBCode image links in any textarea on osu! website when you use Ctrl V and an image is in the clipboard.
osu: clickable points of failure chartJS-Clicking on the "points of failure" chart will open the editor to that location.
Osu top play positionsJS-Show the numbered position of each top play. (#1 - #100). Also fix some UI mess. Just CSS.
OSU change default discussion type to totalJS-Set default type of beatmapsets discussion page to 'total'
osu! Auto Download Button ClickerJS-Автоматическое нажатие кнопки "скачать" или "скачать без видео" на страницах osu! beatmapsets
Fake self-mutualJS-Simple userscript that will self-mutual you. (Client only)
MedalsJS-try to take over the world!
Osu!Website RedisignJS-Complete redesign of the osu! website