TorrensMD Link Corector JS - Corectarea URL-urilor TMD de pe nume de domenii diferite către acel domeniu pe care deja navighezi
Google Search old favicon (2012—2015) JS - Use old favicon for Google Search (pre September 2015)
Google old favicon (2012—2015) v. II JS - Use old favicon of Google Search (pre September 2015)
Change words/phrases/advanced syntaxes in web pages JS - Change words/phrases/advanced syntaxes/regular expressions in web pages
Anti-Disabler JS - Restore context menus on sites that try to disable them
Ascunderea butonului de notificări pe TMD JS - Script pentru ascunderea butonului de notificări
Select-click-copy Enabler JS - Enables select, right-click, copy and drag on pages that disable them. WARNING: MAY BREAK PAGE FUNCTIONS.
No passkey in TMD magnet links JS - Remove passkey from TMD magnet links - free download
Wordpress admin bar hider JS - Hide the admin bar on Wordpress websites when logged in
No more “Read more...” JS - Prevent websites injecting a “Read more: www.site.com” into the copied content
JoeSimmons' Library JS (คลัง) - A JavaScript library used by JoeSimmons
Filelist.js JS (คลัง) - Filelist script for Ace Strem Magic Player. Beta version