Open in Miru JS - Adds a link to open an anime in Miru, if you have MAL-Sync installed then it will be at the bottom of the Quicklinks.
Top Button for deviantart JS - Read the name
KissAnime mobile JS - Try's to make the mobile version of KissAnime/KissManga more useable (Kissanime is rip)
AniList VRV external link color change JS - Changes the colors of the external links for VRV on AniList
AniList VRV external link color change (white text) JS - Changes the colors of the external links for VRV on AniList (white text)
trace.moe disable auto mute JS - Disables the auto mute on trace.moe
trace.moe auto enable loop JS - automatically enables loop on trace.moe
trace.moe disable auto mute + auto enable loop JS - Automatically disables mute and enables loop on trace.moe
Alpha Beta Gamer Dark Mode JS - Dark Mode for Alpha Beta Gamer
ANLogoS (AniList Dynamic Colored Logos) JS - Changes the color of the AniList logo to match profile themes
Inkapedia DarkMode fix JS - Userscript/Userstyle that aims to fix problems with the Inkapedia's darkmode (not fully complete)
Fix ZZZ Opera Music JS - Fixes the music not playing in the Opera Browser on the Zenless Zone Zero website.
Hide Youtube seek bar JS - Hide Youtube's seek bar with your context menu