YouTube Exit Fullscreen on Video End JS - Exit YouTube fullscreen when a video finishes playing (disabled for playlists)
Startpage.com search term in page title JS - Show Startpage search term in title
Metacritic focus search bar on load JS - Sets input focus on the search bar when you load a page on Metacritic
Hacker News Open Links in New Tab JS - Open links on Hacker News in a new tab
Hacker News Open Both Links and Comments JS - Open both links and comments on Hacker News in two new tabs with a single click, inspired by RES' [l+c] feature
Hacker News Highlight Number of Comments JS - Highlight the number of comments on each post on Hacker News by making the number bold and a darker color than the surrounding text
eBay Seller Blacklist JS - Adds a blacklist for sellers on eBay that will emphasize or remove r###lts from blacklisted sellers
Hookshot Media Fix YouTube JS - Fix broken YouTube video embeds on Hookshot Media sites (Nintendo Life, Push Square, Pure Xbox) when using uBlock Origin/Pi-hole
Hacker News Mark as Read JS - Mark things on Hacker News as read
Game Search Helper JS - Adds search buttons on various gaming related websites to search for the game on external sites
Hacker News Hide Inline Ads JS - Hide inline ads/recruitment on Hacker News
Bypass Steam Age Check JS - Instantly bypass the Steam store age verification
Hookshot Anonymizer JS - Anonymize all commenters on Hookshot Media
Reveddit links on old reddit comments JS - Adds reveddit links on old reddit comments
Hacker News Filter JS - Filter HN posts based on words in the title
Add to Sonarr/Radarr for IMDb and Letterboxd JS - Adds buttons to IMDb and Letterboxd to search for a show/movie in Sonarr/Radarr
Startpage Domain Filter JS - Filter Startpage search r###lts on domain
NewsNow Filter JS - Filter NewsNow articles by phrase/topic
Pi-hole Autologin JS - Autologin to Pi-hole
Backloggery-Exporter JS - Export game data from Backloggery
Wikipedia Spoiler Hider JS - Attempts to hide spoilers on Wikipedia
TheTVDB Hide Synopses from All Seasons JS - Hide episode synopses/descriptions from All Seasons pages on TheTVDB.com
TheTVDB Hide Non-Episodic Specials from All Seasons JS - Show only "Episodic Special" episodes on All Seasons pages on TheTVDB.com
TheTVDB All Seasons - Mark as Watched JS - Mark episodes as watched/unwatched on All Seasons pages on TheTVDB.com
Repost-o-Matic (for Old Reddit) JS - Adds a button on posts on old reddit that lets you repost that same post to the same sub
Tidy Qwant R###lts JS - Make Qwant look tidier by removing favicon and replacing superfluous elements
Remove placeholder text on Snapchat for Web JS - Remove the placeholder text on Snapchat for Web
Skip NewsNow Premium Begging JS - Bypass NewsNow begging you to give them money when clicking outbound links
TheTVDB Export Episodes JS - Export TV show episode names and air dates from Aired Order pages on TheTVDB